Use Case Description of Car Parking management System

Use Case Description of Car Parking System.

Use Case Login
Actor Admin / Operator
Description The use case begins when the actor indicates the intent to login to the system. It ends when the actor is logged in or cancels login.
Pre-Condition The login exists
Post-Condition The actor logs in successfully

Use Case Register Person
Actor Admin
Description Admin enters the details of Person in Person Registration form so when admin submits the information all fields are validated then form submitted and Person registered
Pre-Condition The login exists
Post-Condition Admin successfully enters the Person details in the system

Use Case Person Record Management
Actor Admin
Description The use case begins when the admin indicates the intent to view, edit or delete record of Person. It ends when the actor closes the view.
Pre-Condition The Admin is logged in
Post-Condition Record Successfully Managed


Use Case Search
Actor Admin or Operator
Description The use case begins when the admin and operator search the record of person
Pre-Condition The Admin is logged in
Post-Condition Record Search Successfully

Use Case Insert Parking Detail
Actor Operator
Description The operator insert the detail of person for parking. It ends when the actor closes the view.
Pre-Condition The operator is logged in
Post-Condition Insert Record Successfully.

Use Case View Parking Detail
Actor Admin / Operator
Description The operator and Admin both view the record check-in or check-out of person vehicles. It ends when the actor closes the view.
Pre-Condition The operator or Admin is logged in
Post-Condition View Record Successfully.

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