Testing of Car Parking management System [Test plan and Test Cases]

Test Plan of Car Parking management System

  • Objectives
  • System Overview: Kinect for windows System deals with the Admin Login, Teacher Registration, Teacher Login, Admin assign Subject to Teacher, Manage Subject, Manage Class, Manage Quiz.
  • Document Overview: This document contains the plan and schedule for tests to be performed on the system and the mapping of tests to specified system requirements.
  • Referred Documents: The referred documents are SRS and test cases developed for the system.
  • Software Test Environment
  • Name of test Site(s): UNIVERSITY Lab7
  • Resources
  • Software: The software requirements are Sublime Text 3 as front end MSSQL as back end
  • Hardware: The minimum hardware requirements are a Core i5 with 4GB RAM, 2.40 GHz speed, and a 500 GB hard disk.
  • Other Materials: Not applicable
  • Licensing Issues: UNIVERSITY lab 7 holds development licenses for all the software tools being used.
  • Installation, Testing, and Control: Kinect for windows v2 System will be developed at UNIVERSITY Lab7. Testing will also be performed on University Lab premises. UNIVERSITY Lab will do the installation and testing of software. The control and maintenance of software will be the responsibility of UNIVERSITY Lab 7 after the installation.
  • Personnel: Rai Sajid, Nadia Khan and Kulsoom bibi will perform the test and report to Dr. Qurat-Ul-Ain Alam


Test Conditions

UNIVERSITY Lab7# 10001

Admin Login

Unit and integration testing

Input tests, output tests, verification, and validation tests

Test will use real-time data for Admin login.


Person Registration

Unit tests, output tests, verification and validation tests

Test will use real-time data for Registration of Persons.


Operator Login

Unit and integration testing

Input tests, output tests, verification and validation tests

Test will use real-time data for Operator login


Admin manages

Unit and integration testing

Input tests, output tests, verification and validation tests

Test will use real-time data for admin


Add, Update Delete Persons

Unit and integration testing

Input tests, output tests, verification and validation tests

Test will use real-time data for Add, Update Delete Persons


Test Schedules 

Test ID Test Name Test Personnel Test Site Planned Date
UNIVERSITY  Lab7#10001



Admin Login


Rai Sajid




June 28, 2021


UNIVERSITY  Lab7#10002







Nadia Khan







June 28, 2021


UNIVERSITY  Lab7#10003



Operator Login



Kulsoom bibi







June 28, 2021


UNIVERSITY  Lab7#10004  

Admin manages


Rai Sajid







June 29, 2021


UNIVERSITY  Lab7#10005  

Add, Update Delete Persons



Rai Sajid


Lab 7


June    29,



Test Cases

Some of the test-cases performed while testing different sections of the project in-hand.

Test Case 1

Tested By Rai Sajid
Test Type Unit Testing
Test Case Number Test001
Test Case Name Admin Login
Test Case Description This test verifies that all required fields are entered and entered values are correct and the Person is already not registered or exists.
                                                                                     Item(s) to be Tested
1 Admin is working properly or not.
2 All the required fields(Name, Email, Password)
Input Expected Output/Result Actual Output/Result


Admin Click on admin login Admin successfully login or an error message occurred.


Admin will successfully login and values will be stored in database.

Procedural Steps

1 Admin will click on admin login link. The login Page will open.
2 Enter the required values with correct data values.
3 Click on submit button.
4 The admin will login successfully.

Test case 1


Test Case 2

Tested By Nadia Khan
Test Type Unit Testing
Test Case Number Test002
Test Case Name Person  Registration
Test Case Description Customer will fill required fields, ID and Vehicle for registration. If ID and Vehicle Number exist then register Persons.

Item(s) to be Tested

1 ID field to the check it exist or not.
2 Vehicle Number.





Expected Output/Result


Actual Output/Result


Email and Vehicle Number of the registered Person. Person will successfully Registered or an error message will be displayed. Register will be successful and account will be accepted.

Procedural Steps

1 Admin will enter correct ID
2 Admin will enter correct Vehicle Number
3 Click on Register
4 If registered then successfully Information added otherwise stay on Registration page.

Test Case 3

Tested By Kulsoom bibi
Test Type Unit Testing
Test Case Number Test003
Test Case Name Operator Login
Test Case Description ID and password of user will be taken from Admin. If user exists the account will be accessed to the user otherwise error message will be displayed.

Item(s) to be Tested

1 ID field to the check the valid ID input.
2 Password field.





Expected Output/Result


Actual Output/Result


ID and Password of the registered user. Operator will successfully login or an error message will be displayed. Login will be successful and account will be accepted.

Procedural Steps

1 Operator will enter his/her correct ID.
2 Operator will enter his/her password.
3 Click on Login.
4 If registered then successfully access his account otherwise error message will displayed.

Tested By Rai Sajid
Test Type Unit Testing
Test Case Number Test004
Test Case Name Admin manages
Test Case Description Admin will manage website.

Item(s) to be Tested

1 Item will be tested.





Expected Output/Result


Actual Output/Result


Admin Will manage Admin will successfully manages the website All record will be successful manages by Admin

Test Case 5

Tested By Rai Sajid
Test Type Unit Testing
Test Case Number Test004
Test Case Name Add, Update, Delete Persons
Test Case Description Admin will manage persons

Item(s) to be Tested

1 Item will be tested and updated.





Expected Output/Result


Actual Output/Result


Admin Will manage Admin will successfully manages the persons All persons will be successful updated by Admin

Test Output Analysis

The test output analysis is based one of the following specifications:

  • All test components should be thoroughly reviewed for errors.
  • Testing conforms to test specifications if the test results in faults or errors.
  • If the above two specification results in no solution, the system has errors. These errors are re-analyzed by developers and testers.
  • In the automatic inventory management system-calculation system, the test-output analysis of test cases reveals:
  • Summary of test results
  • Deviation from test cases

Summary of Test Result

The objective of this test is to demonstrate that the performance of the software system meets all requirements of Online Cosmetics System. All modules have been successfully unit tested in the first phase. Then, the modules are incremented to perform integration testing. The performance of the integrated system is according to Online Cosmetics System specifications. Finally, the system is fully tested for recovery testing, security testing, stress testing, and performance testing.

Therefore, the system fulfills all Online Cosmetics System requirements.

More Helping material for project of Car Parking System

  1. Non Functional Requirements of  Vehicle  Parking System
  2. Functional Requirements of Car Parking System
  3. Non Functional Requirements of  Vehicle  Parking System
  4. Use Case Description of Car Parking System
  5. Use case diagram of Car Parking System
  6. Sequence Diagram Car Parking management System
  7. Activity Diagram of Car Parking management System
  8. Class Diagram of CAR Parking management System
  9. Component Diagram of Car Parking management System
  10. Deployment Diagram of Car Parking management System
  11. ERD of Car Parking management System [Entity relationship diagram]
  12. Software Testing of Car Parking management System
  13. PPT Presentation of Car Parking management System
  14. Source Code in PHP for Car Parking management System 

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