Test case format

Test cases are essential components of software testing, providing detailed instructions on how to verify whether a specific aspect of the software functions as intended. A well-structured test case includes various components to ensure clarity and effectiveness. Here’s a typical format for a test case:

Test Case ID: A unique identifier for the test case, often a combination of project initials, module or feature designation, and a unique number (e.g., TC_Login_01).

Test Case Description: A brief and clear description of the test case, outlining the specific functionality or scenario being tested.

Test Environment: Information about the test environment, including hardware, software, browsers, operating systems, databases, etc.

Preconditions: Any prerequisites or conditions that must be satisfied before executing the test case. This could include specific data, configurations, or states.

Test Data: Input data that will be used during the execution of the test case. This may include valid and invalid data, boundary values, and any other relevant variations.

Test Steps: A step-by-step sequence of actions to be performed during the test. Each step should be clear and unambiguous. It should include both the action to be taken and the expected result.

Step 1: Describe the action (e.g., “Enter valid username”).

Expected Result: Specify the expected outcome after performing the action (e.g., “User should be logged in successfully”).

Step 2: Repeat for each subsequent action.

Test Data Cleanup: Steps or procedures to reset the system to its initial state or clean up any data created during the test.

Expected Results: The anticipated outcome or response of the software after executing the test steps. This should be specific and measurable.

Postconditions: Any conditions that should be true after the test case is executed. This could include system states or data changes.

Test Verdict: A conclusion or result indicating whether the test case has passed, failed, or if further investigation is required.

Test Case Author: The name or identifier of the person who created the test case.

Date: The date when the test case was written or last updated.


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