Use case Description of Running Game in Android


Use Case Play
Actor Player
Description The Use case is start when the actors open the
game and click on the start button.
Pre-condition Open the Game
Post-condition Play button is working properly and play the game
Result Pass
 USE CASE (Exit)
Use Case Exit
Actor Users
Description The Use case is start when click on exit button
Pre-condition Open the Game
Post-condition Game is close from mobile screen
Result Pass
 USE CASE (Replay)
Use Case Replay
Actor Users
Description The Use case is start when the actor wants to play
the game again
Pre-condition When user is dead
Post-condition If he wants to play again then click on replay
button otherwise exit
Result Pass


USE CASE (Main Menu)

Use Case Main Menu
Actor Users
Description The Use case is start when user want to see first
screen which is play and exit
Pre-condition When the user is dead then this button will show
Post-condition User can do anything which we wants
Result Pass
USE CASE (Hit Hurdle)
Use Case Hit hurdle
Actor Users
Description The Use case is start when user play the game and
hit by any hurdle and he is out from game
Pre-condition Playing game
Post-condition Back to the main screen
Result Pass
USE CASE (Collect Coins)
Use Case Collect coins
Actor Users
Description The Use case is start when the user play the game.
Pre-condition Actor is running
Post-condition Total value of coins he collected
Result Pass


USE CASE (Hit by Bull)

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