Use Case detailed Description of Final Year Project Management System

Use Case detailed Description 1

Use Case 01
Use Case Name Login
Actors Students, Supervisors and Admin
Description Allows users of the system to login.
Pre-condition Users must have be registered
1. User’s needs to login.
2. For login user’s first have to register themselves.
3. User will enter valid email and password as
Basic course of action A authentication for login.
4. Login will check against entered credentials.
5. Use case end.
Alternative course of 1. If user is new then user can register.
action A 2. If credentials match then the user will login
otherwise, user’s will have to enter the correct one’s.
3. Use case end.

Table 2 Use Case 1

Use Case Description 2

Use Case 03
Use Case Name Group Members
Actors Students, Supervisors and Admin
Description Allows users of the system to see profiles of their
group members.
Pre-condition Users must have valid account.
1. Group members can see the profiles of
Basic course of action A their group members.
2. Group members can align their profiles.
3. Supervisor can see the profiles of
Alternative course of 1. Group members can register themselves.
action A
Table 3 Group Members

Use Case Description 3

Use Case 03
Use Case Name Supervisors
Actors Students, Supervisors and Admin
Description Allows users of the system to see profiles of supervisors.
Pre-condition Users must have valid account.
1. Superivsors can create their profiles.
2. Supervisor can update their available slots.
Basic course of action A 3. Students can see supervisors profiles.
4. Students can ask supervisor to be allotted.
5. Supervisor can accept or reject students requests.
6. Students can see request status
Alternative course of 1. If supervisor is new then, supervisor can register first.
action A
Table 4 Supervisors
Use Case Description 4
Use Case 04
Use Case Name Chat
Actors Students
Description Allows users of the system to talk with their
group members.
Pre-condition Users must have a valid account.
Basic course of action A 1.  If student wants to talk with their group
members he/she can.
2.  Students can discuss about their project
using chat module.
Table 5 Chat

Use Case Description 5

Use Case 05
Use Case Name Feedback
Actors Students and Supervisors
Description Allowing supervisors to send feedback to students to
align their project performance.
Pre-condition Users must have a valid account.
1. Supervisors can evaluate projects and send
Basic course of action A feedback to students.
2. Students can align their project performance.
3. Students can see their feedback
Table 6 Feedback
Use Case Description 6
Use Case 06
Use Case Name Meeting Timings
Actors Students and Supervisors
Description Allowing students to join meetings right on time.
Pre-condition Users must have a valid account.
1. Supervisors can send meeting timings to
Basic course of action A students
2. Students can attend meetings on time.

Table 7 Meeting Timings

More helping material for FYP Management System

  1. SRS Documentation of Final Year Project Management System
  2. Functional and Non-functional Requirements of Final Year Project Management System
  3. Modules of Final Year Project Management System
  4. Use case diagram of Final Year Project Management System
  5. Use Case detailed Description of Final Year Project Management System
  6. Class diagram of Final Year Project Management System
  7. Sequence Diagram of Final Year Project Management System
  8. Source code of Final Year Project Management System

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