Functional Requirements of Social Networking site

Functional Requirements of Social Networking site

System Features

Ø    Ø    Functional Requirements

All system should have the client for program running. The server should identify individual systems by their name.

Input: User name and password.

Output: Homepage and all other links of website related to links.

Ø    Ø    Registration:

Ø    Ø    To make registration

Ø    Ø    To fill the registration form

Ø    Ø    To login

Ø    Ø    To logout

Ø    Ø    User profile :

Ø    Ø    To make a profile

Ø    Ø    To edit the profile

Ø    Ø    To insert files on profile

Ø    Ø    To delete files on  profile

Ø    Ø    To change friend list

Ø    Ø    To make friend list

Ø    Ø    Friends management:

Ø    Ø    To send friend request

Ø    Ø    To accept friend request

Ø    Ø    To reject friend request

Ø    Ø    To update friend list

Ø    Ø    To view friend list

Ø    Ø    To remove friend list

Ø    Ø    System feature 5

Ø    Ø    Email facility:

Ø    Ø    To send e-mail

Ø    Ø    System feature 6

Media management:

Ø    Ø    To view audio library

Ø    Ø    To view poetry.

Ø    Ø    System feature 7:

Ø    Ø    System feature 7:


To make the group

To request to join the group

To accept the request to join the group

To rejact the request to join the group

To post the data on the group wall


Ø    Ø    T o upload e-books

Ø    Ø    To download e-books

Ø    Ø    To check list

Ø    Ø    System feature 8:

Ø    Ø    Searching:

Ø    Ø    To search the friends

Ø    Ø    To search the poetry

Ø    Ø    To search e-books

Ø    Ø    To search a file including audio

3.               Overall Description

Ø    Ø    Product Perspective

Product will be make well for user who are interesting in communication.

Ø    Ø    Product Functions

Ø    Ø    Registration:

User accounts are given on approximately websites where users who are contributing to the site. If  need to know who users are, then need some way of tracking their accounts. This will include looking at the registration process where our users create their initial accounts. We will implement an email verification system to make sure that our users actually are what they claim to be. we will also discuss setting up a permissions system that we can build onto over time. For getting the most important features of the website the user should be registered. After registration the user log in by entering the  I.D and password and then the user gets all the facilities in the website. User can be sign up any time. Sign up should be include user 1st name, last name, e-mail address, password, gender, date of birth, permanent address, security questions, mobile number, nation, religion etc.  Registered user can set their account any time and can change name, e-mail address, password, gender, date of birth, permanent address, security questions, mobile number, nation, religion etc.  Profile photo can also be changed and uploaded. Privacy can also be set any time.

Ø    Ø    profile:

User’s profile is  just an extension of his or her account. The difference is being that the account holds the login information and the profile holds all the personal identifiers. It holds the description of the user, the user’s attributes, and their photos. We will also discuss how to handle creating an avatar in such away that a user can upload a picture and then crop it suitably. As the profile containsa great deal of information about the user, we will also implement some forms of privacy to allow them to hide some bits and show others.Register users managed their profile. Photos,and audio files of all formats can be attached on the profiles. Every profile is recognized by the user name, e-mail ID and password. Profile include necessary information of the user including user name, e-mail address, password, gender, date of birth, permanent address, security questions, mobile number, nation, religion etc. Friends record is also mentioned and managed in the user  specific profile. Profile can be edited by the user any time.

Ø    Ø    Messages:

Message can be sent by the  “Social Networking site”  to any registered user of the Social Networking site. User simply write message, enter address of the recipient and click on the send button to send message. Message can be send while user is online or not.Messaging is necessary to any community site as it allows users to communicate with one another directly or indirectly. This can come in many forms. We can send a message to a user, that is sent directly to the user via email. Or we can allow user to send a message via the site, that is then stored in the recipient’s inbox. A notification is then sent out to the recipient. This last form will be easier for us to manage as a site administrator. we will create a full featured messaging system that will resemble a web-based email application similar to yahoo mail, Hotmail or Gmail. As part of our interface we will show a list of existing friends to send messages.

Ø    Ø     Edit friends:

friends list can be edited. Friend request can be send to  any user. Friends request can be accepted or rejected. And if any friend is remove from the list then list is also updated.The concept of having friends in a community is an attraction that keeps people coming back to your site. A friend is a user whom you have stated, whom you trust and allow to see information about you, and about whom you are generally interested in knowing. Think of a friend as a connection, a colleague, and so on.  We will implement the different Friends feature, including how to search for them, find them in the site’s listings, and import contacts into the site to find your friends. We will also implement a blog allowing users to provide a status about what they are  and where they are  currently doing.

Ø    Ø    Photo Album:

User can set the photo gallery. Different photo galleries can be made. Photo can be renamed. photo can be upload and delete.


User can also create the group, search the group, request to join the group, and then can  post data on the wall. Group maker can change or delete the group.

Ø    Ø    Poetry :

poetry can also be seen and can be send to friends. However un-registered user can only see the login page while registered user can see, download ,send poetry to their friends .

Ø    Ø    E-books:

Registered user can upload E-books from ” Social Networking site” any time. These books are provided free of cost to the registered user.

Other Helpful material of Social Networking site

  1. Functional Requirements of Social Networking site
  2. Non Functional Requirements of Social Networking site
  3. Scope and Purpose of Social Networking site

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