Download Code: PHP and MySQL Student Study Center Desk Management System – Source Code

Download Code PHP and MySQL Student Study Center Desk Management System – Source Code

Student Study Center Desk Management System – PHP and MySQL Source Code

This project is called the Student Study Center Desk Management System, a web-based application developed using PHP and a MySQL database. The system is designed to help study centers manage the desks assigned to students. It features a clean and user-friendly interface, built with the Bootstrap Framework and AdminLTE Template. The system includes several useful functionalities for desk management.

How Does the Student Study Center Desk Management System Work?

The Student Study Center Desk Management System is designed with an admin interface that can only be accessed by administrators or staff members. The primary function of this system is to allocate and manage student desk assignments.

Upon first use, the system requires the management to populate a list of students and desks. From there, they can assign students to specific desks by selecting the student’s name and the corresponding desk. The system also allows management to view and manage the history of desk assignments and generate reports based on specific dates.

Features and Functionalities

The Student Study Center Desk Management System offers the following features:

  • Login and Logout functionality
  • Dashboard Page for system overview
  • Student List Management to maintain student records
  • Desk List Management for managing available desks
  • Student Desk Allocation Management to assign or unassign desks
  • Generate Date-wise Reports for tracking desk allocations over time
  • Manage System Users to control admin and staff access
  • Manage System Information for updating system details
  • Update Account Details for modifying user profiles

Technologies Used

The system was built using the following technologies:

  • XAMPP (local web server)
  • VS Code Editor
  • MySQL Database for storing data
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery for front-end development
  • Ajax for dynamic content loading
  • DataTables Library for interactive tables
  • Select2 Library for improved form controls
  • Bootstrap Framework for responsive design
  • AdminLTE Template for the admin panel layout
  • FontAwesome Icons for visual elements

How to Run the System


  1. Download and install a local web server such as XAMPP.
  2. Download the source code zip file (provided with the project).

System Installation/Setup:

  1. Enable the GD Library in your php.ini file.
  2. Open the XAMPP Control Panel and start Apache and MySQL.
  3. Extract the downloaded source code zip file.
  4. Copy the extracted folder to the XAMPP “htdocs” directory.
  5. Open PHPMyAdmin in a browser (e.g., http://localhost/phpmyadmin).
  6. Create a new database called sscdms_db.
  7. Import the SQL file (located in the database folder) called sscdms_db.sql into the database.
  8. Open the Student Study Center Desk Management System in a browser (e.g., http://localhost/php-sscdms/).

Default Admin Access:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin123


This Student Study Center Desk Management System project in PHP and MySQL is designed to help manage desk allocations in a study center. It is perfect for educational purposes and can be easily customized to suit specific needs. Feel free to modify the source code to align with your own project requirements.

index PHP

login PHP

sscdms_db SQL


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