Functional Non Functional Requirements of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

Requirement Analysis

This chapter provides analysis of the requirements of the proposed system.

There are two major types of requirements for the proposed system:

  • Functional Requirements (FRs)
  • Non Functional Requirements (NFRs)

These requirements are described in the following sections:

Functional Requirements

Administrator Related Requirements:

System should let the administrator:

  • View the Buyer, Seller and Doctor Accounts.
  • To delete and block the accounts.
  • To add new user accounts.
  • To edit the user accounts.
  • View reports and complains about users.

Buyer Related Requirements:

System should let the Buyer:

  • Register the account.
  • Login the application.
  • Find Sellers ads or classified.
  • Request for a deal.
  • See the details of a classified.
  • Share his/her location with the selected seller
  • Report a doctor or seller
  • To update his/her profile.

Seller Related Requirements:

System should let the Seller:

  • Register the account.
  • Login the application.
  • Upload new classified.
  • Find buyers for the classified.
  • Chat option with buyers.
  • See the details of the buyers and doctors.
  • Request a doctor for an animal verification.
  • Share his/her location with doctor and buyers.
  • To update his/her profile

Doctor Related Requirements:

System should let the Doctor:

  • Register the account.
  • Login the application.
  • View the verification requests.
  • Verify the animal by filling online form.
  • Accept or Reject the verification requests.
  • See the details of the sellers.
  • To update his/her profile.

 Non Functional Requirements

Performance Requirements

Some performance requirements identified is listed below:

  • The database shall be able to accommodate a minimum of 10 million records of users.
  • The database shall be able to accommodate a minimum of 10000 records of Doctors.
  • The software shall support use of multiple users at a time.
  • There are no other specific performance requirements that will affect development.


Checking that the system always has something to function and always pop up error messages in case of component failure. In that case the error messages appear when something goes wrong so to prevail availability problems. This web application is available 24/7 at anywhere.


Checking that the system is easy to handle and navigates in the most expected way with no delays. In that case the system program reacts accordingly and transverses quickly between its states.


The software would perform desired tasks as expected.

Ease of Use

The proposed system be user-friendly and would provide Graphical User Interface (GUI).

More helping Material for Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

  1. SRS Document of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  2. Download ASP source code of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  3. Functional and Non-Functional Requirements of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  4. Use case diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  5. Use Case Descriptions of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  6. Class diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale FYP
  7. Sequence diagram of Online Animals Buy and Sale
  8. ERD diagram of SALE PURCHASE Entity relationship diagram
  9. Software Testing of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project
  10. PPT Presentation of Online Animals Buy and Sale Project

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