Functional requirement of bank management system Project (FYP)

Functional requirement of bank management system Project (FYP)

  1. Login
  2. Validation
  3. Get balance information
  4. Withdrawal of money
  5. Transfer Money
  6. Customer info
  7. Beneficiary
  8. Administrative Control


There are two types of modules are use in functional requirement of bank management system.




Admin Module:

If you login as an Admin then you will be redirected to the Admin Home Page and if you are a simple user you will be redirected to your Account Home Page.  This performs the following functions:  Create

Individual Accounts, Manage existing accounts, View all transactions, Balance enquiry, Delete/close account etc.

ü  Admin login

ü  Add/delete/update account

ü  Withdrawal/deposit/statements transaction

ü  Account Information

ü  User details list

ü  Active/Inactive account

ü  View transaction histories

ü  Admin login

ü  Add/delete/update account

ü  Withdrawal/deposit/statements transaction

ü  Account Information

ü  User details list

ü  Active/Inactive account

ü  View transaction histories

      Admin login

      Add/delete/update account

      Withdrawal/deposit/statements transaction

       Account Information

      User details list

      Active/Inactive account

       View transaction histories


    Admin login

If you login as an Admin then you will be redirected to the Admin Home    Page and if you are a simple user you will be redirected to your Account Home Page

    Add/delete/update account

The admin Add/delete/update account


    Withdrawal/deposit/statements transaction

The admin can Withdrawal/deposit/statements transaction


     Account Information:

The admin can see the Account Information.


    User details list:

The admin can see the user details list .


    Active/Inactive account

The admin can active and inactive the account of user.

     View transaction histories

The admin can view the transaction histories.



User Module:

A simple user can access their account and can deposit/withdraw money from their account. User can also transfer money from their account to any other bank account. User can see their transaction report and balance enquiry too.

  • User login, use PIN system
  • Creating/open new account registration
  • Funds transfer (local/international/domestic)
  • View statements transaction
  • User account details
  • Change Password and PIN


  • User login, use PIN system:

The user can login to account.

  • Creating/open new account registration:
  • The user can Creating/open new account registration to the bank management system.



  • Funds transfer (local/international/domestic)
  • The user can Funds transfer (local/international/domestic).


  • View statements transaction

The user can view details of transaction.

  • User account details

The user can view details of account.


  • Change Password and PIN

      The user can change the password and pin of account

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