Functional Requirements of Car Parking Management System System

Functional Requirements of  Vehicle  Parking System


My project titled, as Car Parking System or Vehicle Parking System (BPS) basically a Web-based project. The main function of the Car Parking System or Vehicle Parking System is to improve UNIVERSITY parking. The system is developed to provide a platform where students and faculty can safe their vehicles. This project will help everyone to park their vehicle safely and no one can take another person’s vehicle. This project will help to ensure that parking is only for UNIVERSITY faculty and students so that no outsider can enter into UNIVERSITY parking. We will use HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP or SQL languages to develop this project and we will use XAMPP server for Database.

Project Overview

The system is designed and developed keeping in view that it should be user friendly and navigation should be easy. The design is develop in Bootstrap, HTML and CSS. The Interface of the system is developed keeping in mind that it should be good looking, attractive, easy to understand and self-explanatory. The system is also equipped with state of security features, which enables only the authorized people to view or modify the sensitive information. The information is protected by login and password.

Project Scope

This Web-based developed for UNIVERSITY faculty and students so that they can park their vehicle safely through our system. Students and faculty can get safe parking by following simple steps. Students can enable to protect their vehicles by simply showing their student card and faculty can safe their vehicles on the basis of their employee card. The administration can Add and Delete persons data or update any record and also view and maintain any user profile and enable to see parking entrance time and exiting time with proper details of any person. Students and faculty will not anxious as their vehicle can only be exit by details that are entered in the system by the operator at entrance time i.e. Arid Number, Vehicle number. At the exit time when a person will show its card the other person that is present on the system will check Arid Number on its card and will check it on the system and then He will check the vehicle number to ensure that it is same as it entered at entrance time if same so the person can easily exit otherwise not.

Project Objectives

The basic objective of this project is to provide safe parking especially for students as student we know the present condition of Car Parking System or Vehicle Parking System anyone can easily be enter in parking and can do anything what he wants, there is no proper security there is no proper system otherwise security cameras installed but they are useless, as they can record the incident can’t stop it. So we want to introduce safe parking at UNIVERSITY so except students and faculty no one can enter in parking.

The further objectives of are given below.

  • Providing a secure parking system for students and faculty.
  • Enable to save entry and exit time.
  • Record necessary information at entry time
  • Enable person to exit after matching all details.
  • Only relevant person can only enter in parking.


Our website is based on the following tools and computer languages:

Back-end Tools and Technologies

Xampp Server

Front-End Tools and Technologies








Other Tools and Technologies

Microsoft word 2016 (for documentation)


Computers equipped with a Core i5 processor or higher. The computer must have approximately 2 GB of free hard drive space and 2 GB of RAM.


Google chrome Version 75.0.3770.100 (Browser)

Server-side operating system windows server 2008

Client-side operating system windows 7 and above

Functional Requirements

It is the primary requirements that are fulfilled by our web site .It’s allowing the users, customers to use our website at the level of ease .The purpose of our website is to provide the full information that is required to the user. Here is the following requirement that is fulfilled by our system.User

User Login

This feature used by the operator/admin to login into system. A operator/admin must login with his user ID and Password to the system after registration. If they are invalid, the user not allowed to enter the system.

– ID and Password will be provided admin to user.

– Password should be hidden from others while typing it in the field

Register New Person

Admin must login for registration of persons so login is required.


The admin and operator can search detail of every person. When the user will enter the arid number or employee number all the details of person is displayed on the screen.

Scan QR Code

System should be able to scan QR code of persons from their cards.

View Parking Details

The admin and operator can easily view the parking details means check-in and check-out time.

More Helping material for project of Car Parking System

  1. Non Functional Requirements of  Vehicle  Parking System
  2. Functional Requirements of Car Parking System
  3. Non Functional Requirements of  Vehicle  Parking System
  4. Use Case Description of Car Parking System
  5. Use case diagram of Car Parking System
  6. Sequence Diagram Car Parking management System
  7. Activity Diagram of Car Parking management System
  8. Class Diagram of CAR Parking management System
  9. Component Diagram of Car Parking management System
  10. Deployment Diagram of Car Parking management System
  11. ERD of Car Parking management System [Entity relationship diagram]
  12. Software Testing of Car Parking management System
  13. PPT Presentation of Car Parking management System
  14. Source Code in PHP for Car Parking management System 


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