Projects Inventory

Functional requirements of Inventory Management System with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Management:
    • User Roles and Permissions: Support different user roles (e.g., inventory manager, warehouse staff, admin) with specific access levels and permissions.
    • User Authentication: Secure login mechanisms for different users with role-based access control.
    • Profile Management: Allow users to manage their personal information and settings.
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  2. Inventory Tracking:
    • Stock Levels: Track and display real-time stock levels for each inventory item.
    • Inventory Movements: Record and update inventory movements, including additions (purchases), subtractions (sales or usage), and adjustments.
    • Item Details: Store detailed information about each inventory item, including SKU, description, quantity, location, and supplier.
  3. Stock Management:
    • Order Management: Create, process, and manage purchase orders and sales orders.
    • Reorder Alerts: Set minimum stock levels and receive alerts or notifications when items need to be reordered.
    • Stock Adjustments: Allow manual adjustments to inventory levels for discrepancies, damage, or other reasons.
  4. Warehouse Management:
    • Location Tracking: Track the location of items within the warehouse (e.g., aisle, shelf) to facilitate easy retrieval.
    • Warehouse Layout: Support multiple warehouse locations and manage inventory across different sites.
  5. Reporting and Analytics:
    • Inventory Reports: Generate reports on inventory levels, stock movements, reorder points, and other key metrics.
    • Performance Analysis: Analyze inventory performance, including turnover rates and carrying costs.
    • Forecasting: Provide tools for inventory forecasting based on historical data and trends.
  6. Integration:
    • ERP Integration: Integrate with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for seamless data flow between inventory and other business functions.
    • Supplier Integration: Connect with supplier systems for order management and inventory updates.
  7. Barcode and RFID Support:
    • Barcode Scanning: Support barcode scanning for easy item tracking and data entry.
    • RFID Tracking: Use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for real-time inventory tracking and management.
  8. Audit and Compliance:
    • Audit Trails: Maintain logs of inventory transactions and changes for auditing and compliance purposes.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards for inventory management.
  9. Inventory Valuation:
    • Cost Tracking: Track and manage the cost of inventory, including purchase price, carrying costs, and valuation methods (e.g., FIFO, LIFO).
    • Financial Reporting: Generate financial reports related to inventory valuation and cost of goods sold.
  10. Notifications and Alerts:
    • Alerts for Low Stock: Notify users when inventory levels fall below predefined thresholds.
    • Order Status Updates: Provide notifications about the status of purchase orders, including confirmations and shipping updates.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Performance:
    • Response Time: Ensure fast response times for inventory queries, updates, and reporting.
    • Scalability: Support scalability to handle growing amounts of inventory data and increasing numbers of users.
  2. Reliability:
    • System Availability: Maintain high system availability with minimal downtime to ensure continuous operation.
    • Fault Tolerance: Implement mechanisms to handle system failures and prevent data loss.
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  3. Usability:
    • User Interface: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for efficient navigation and use by different user roles.
    • Training and Support: Provide user training and support resources to facilitate effective use of the system.
  4. Security:
    • Data Protection: Protect inventory data with encryption and secure access controls.
    • Authentication and Authorization: Implement strong authentication mechanisms and ensure proper authorization for different user roles.
    • Data Integrity: Ensure the accuracy and integrity of inventory data through validation and auditing.
  5. Maintainability:
    • Code Quality: Ensure high-quality, well-documented code to facilitate maintenance and updates.
    • System Updates: Support regular updates and patches to address bugs, improve functionality, and ensure security.
  6. Compatibility:
    • Platform Support: Ensure compatibility with various operating systems and devices (e.g., desktops, tablets, mobile devices).
    • Browser Compatibility: Ensure the web-based interface works across major web browsers.
  7. Backup and Recovery:
    • Data Backup: Implement regular data backups to prevent data loss and ensure recovery in case of system failure.
    • Disaster Recovery: Develop a disaster recovery plan to restore operations quickly after major disruptions.
  8. Legal and Compliance:
    • Data Privacy Regulations: Comply with data protection laws and regulations to safeguard user and inventory data.
    • Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to industry standards and regulations related to inventory management.
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