Functional requirements of Online Study Group Platform with non-functional

Functional Requirements

  1. User Registration and Authentication:
    • Allow users to create and manage accounts using email, social media, or third-party authentication services.
    • Implement role-based access control for different user roles (e.g., students, instructors, group admins).
  2. Group Creation and Management:
    • Provide tools for users to create and manage study groups, including setting group names, descriptions, and privacy settings.
    • Allow users to join or request to join groups based on their interests or academic needs.
  3. Group Communication and Collaboration:
    • Offer communication tools such as chat, discussion boards, or forums for group members to interact and collaborate.
    • Provide video conferencing or voice call features for real-time discussions and virtual meetings.
  4. Resource Sharing and Management:
    • Allow users to upload, share, and manage study materials, such as notes, documents, and multimedia content.
    • Provide tools for organizing resources into folders, tagging, and searching for relevant content.
  5. Task and Project Management:
    • Include features for assigning and tracking tasks or projects within the study group.
    • Provide tools for setting deadlines, assigning responsibilities, and monitoring progress.
  6. Event Scheduling and Reminders:
    • Provide a calendar or scheduling tool for organizing group study sessions, meetings, and events.
    • Send reminders and notifications for upcoming events and deadlines.
  7. Discussion and Q&A:
    • Offer a platform for posting questions and discussions related to study topics or assignments.
    • Allow group members to provide answers, discuss solutions, and share insights.
  8. Progress Tracking and Reporting:
    • Provide tools for tracking group activities, such as completed tasks, participation levels, and resource contributions.
    • Generate reports and visualizations to monitor group performance and engagement.
  9. Integration with Educational Tools:
    • Support integration with external educational tools and platforms, such as learning management systems (LMS) and academic databases.
    • Provide options for importing and exporting data between the study group platform and other educational resources.
  10. User Profile and Settings:
    • Allow users to configure personal profiles, including academic interests, skills, and contact information.
    • Provide settings for managing notification preferences, privacy controls, and account details.
  11. Admin Panel:
    • Include an administrative interface for managing users, groups, content, and system settings.
    • Provide tools for monitoring system usage, managing content, and resolving issues.
  12. Help and Support Resources:
    • Offer access to help resources, including FAQs, user guides, and support contact options.
    • Provide customer support through various channels, such as email, live chat, or phone.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Scalability:
    • The system should handle increasing numbers of users, groups, and interactions without performance issues.
    • Support for scaling infrastructure to accommodate growth and peak usage periods.
  2. Performance:
    • Ensure fast and responsive interactions, with quick access to group communications, resources, and collaboration tools.
    • Optimize performance to handle large datasets and high volumes of concurrent users efficiently.
  3. Reliability and Availability:
    • Ensure high availability with minimal downtime, supported by redundancy, load balancing, and failover mechanisms.
    • Implement regular backups and disaster recovery procedures to maintain service continuity.
  4. Usability:
    • The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly, accommodating users with varying levels of technical expertise.
    • Provide a consistent and seamless experience across different devices and platforms.
  5. Interoperability:
    • The system should integrate seamlessly with external educational tools, platforms, and communication services.
    • Support standard APIs and data formats for interoperability and data exchange.
  6. Maintainability:
    • Ensure the system is easy to maintain, with clear documentation, modular design, and support for regular updates and bug fixes.
    • Implement automated monitoring and logging to identify and address issues promptly.
  7. Compliance:
    • Ensure the system complies with relevant regulations and standards, such as data protection laws (e.g., GDPR) and educational regulations.
    • Provide features to support auditing, data retention, and regulatory reporting requirements.
  8. Data Integrity and Accuracy:
    • Ensure that all data collected and processed by the system is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date.
    • Implement validation checks and data integrity mechanisms to prevent errors and data corruption.
  9. Localization and Internationalization:
    • Support multiple languages and regional settings to cater to a global user base.
    • Allow easy adaptation of the system to meet local regulations and cultural practices.
  10. Accessibility:
    • Ensure that the system is accessible to users with disabilities, following web accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG).
    • Provide features such as screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and adjustable text sizes.
  11. Privacy and Data Ownership:
    • Ensure that users retain ownership of their data and can easily control, access, and delete their information.
    • Provide transparency regarding data usage, sharing, and storage practices, with clear consent mechanisms.

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