Actors/Users of the System
Features of Admin
- The admin is a super user that have to access to everything
- Admin can add a new manager.
- He can view user details
- He can block or unblock User
- He can edit user details, BIO data etc.
- He can active and de active student status.
- Enter personal data
- Enter academic qualification
- Now you will be logged in at your dashboard you will see the categories of admission form.
- Student can add his/her Bio to the admission form.
- Student can review his/her information in application form.
- Student can see their fee details on top of admission form.
- Student can edit their information.
- Student can pay online fee through easy paisa or mobi cash.
- Student can update their information.
Overall Description:
Product Description and Functional Overview
The system falls under the web Development category. I am developing it with following
Coding Platform: Notepad++
Front End:
CSS : (Cascading style Sheets) Create attractive layout.
JavaScript: It is programming language, commonly use with web browsers.
Bootstrap: Responsive designing.
Back end:
- PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a technology that allows software developers to create dynamically generated web pages, in HTML, XML, or other documents types, as per client request. PHP is open source software.
- MYSQL: My sql is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating, and managing data in databases.
Product Features and Functions:
User Classes and Characteristics
The admin is a super user that has access to everything.
- He can view user details
- He can block or Unblock user
- He can edit user details, address, qualification, phone number, Email.
- He can even be delete students form details.
- Enter personal details
- Enter academic qualification
- Enter institute from which he/she has passed.
- Now you will be logged in at your dashboard you will see the categories of admission form.
- Student can add his/her Bio to the admission form.
- Student can review his/her information in application form.
- Student can update their information.
Operating Environment:
Development language
- Operating system >> Window 10
- Documentation tool >> Microsoft word
- Development platform >> Notepad++
- Server >>Xamp server
Design and Implementation Constraints:
The application will use Php, javascript, web desiging and css as main web technologies.
It completely relay on the windows functionality platform.
Each user must keep their password as confidential.
More ever the user must have individual ID for creating a log in the database.
- Operating System
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 10
- Ardino software + php
User Documentation
It is made as simple as, web beginners can also use it easily with best GUI functionality
- Easy to follow setup directions
- List of systems features
- User’s manual
Assumptions and Dependencies
- User has a smart phone with good smart touch to navigate and use tools Efficiently.
- User has a computer system running a recent iteration of the Windows Operating System.
- The user has a powerful enough computer system that can handle the additional processing.
External Interface Requirements:
Hardware Interfaces
No extra hardware interfaces are needed.
The system will use standard hardware and data communication resources.
This includes, general network connection at the server hosting site, network server and network management tools
System Features:
The major function of the site is to store and retrieve the data from the system.
The application will be used by the admin and users with access limitation
The system to provide security features through username-password matching where only authorized can access the system.
Input: username, password.
Output: invalid, detail about admission, edit, update, logout.
Software Quality Attributes:
As the system provide right tools for the problems solving it is made in such a way that the system is reliable in its operation and for securing the sensitive details
The system should available at all the time meaning that the user can access easily. Increase of the hardware and data base failure a replacement page will be show and for database back should be retrieved from data folder.
The system can meet the changing requirements easily since the infrastructure of the system not needs major changes. The requirement of the software are evolving will be meet by just adding sub-functions. Therefore the maintainability of the system is not a complex issue.
More helping Material of Online Admission system for a school, college, institute or a university
- Functional and Non functional Requirements of Online Admission system
- Online Admission system SRS Documentation
- Use case diagram Of online admission system
- Use case Descriptions precondition post condition and actor of online admission system
- Class diagram of online admission system
- Software Testing and test cases of online admission system
- PPT Presentation of Online Admission system
- Source code of Online Admission system in PHP