FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR Police Station Management System.
- Admin must be able to add new case information/Details.
- Admin specifies registration time and date.
- Admin specifies case admit time and date.
- Admin must be able to edit exiting case details.
- Admin must be able to delete existing case details.
- Admin must be able to view case information (like Name, phone Number, & address etc).
- Admin must be able to sort the case by name & location.
- Admin must be able to filter the report case by locations or their names.
- Admin must be able to search for a specific case details.
- Admin must be able to view the victims information.
- Admin must be able to add new Information/details.
- Admin must be able to edit exiting case details.
- Admin must be able to delete existing case details.
- Admin must be able to sort the specific case by name, location, and address.
- Admin must be able to filter the record of the specific case.
- Admin must be able to search for a specific complaines.
- Admin must be able to add new cases.
- Admin must be able to edit exiting Details.
- Admin must be able to delete the existing facts of the case.
- Admin must be able to view the information about the department.
- Admin can register the victim information during the registration period.
- Admin must be able to login to the system.
- An admit must be able to submit their
- Judge/auditor must be able to investigate the case according to case requirements.
- Judge/auditor must be able to filter the result of the case according to the present requirements.
- System must be able to view the case information (like Name, Address as well as the images).
Source code, Documentation, SRS, Design document, test phase testing, project introduction, scope, abstract, test manual, use case diagrams, class diagrams, DFD, entity relationship diagram and database files are available on demand. This project is helpful for the final year project of students of computer science, SE and IT.