Research Projects Ideas Algorithmic Game Theory

Algorithmic Game Theory Research Projects Ideas, Topics, and Areas

Latest and New Algorithmic Game Theory Research Topics Areas and Ideas for writing the research paper.

  1. Distributed Learning in Wireless Networks: Recent Progress and Future Challenges
  2. Improved algorithms for online load balancing
  3. Geometry of turbulent dissipation and the Navier–Stokes regularity problem
  4. Look Who’s Computing
  5. Robustness among multiwinner voting rules
  6. Digital Journalism: Toward a Theory of Journalistic Practice in the Twenty-First Century
  7. Learning to Optimize Molecular Geometries Using Reinforcement Learning
  8. Leveraging Public Data for Practical Private Query Release
  9. Deluca–A Differentiable Control Library: Environments, Methods, and Benchmarking
  10. Modeling defender-attacker problems as robust linear programs with mixed-integer uncertainty sets
  12. Unlocking the payment experience: Future imaginaries in the case of digital payments
  13. Human-centered artificial intelligence in education: Seeing the invisible through the visible
  14. Deep learning the collisional cross sections of the peptide universe from a million experimental values
  15. CellEVAC: An adaptive guidance system for crowd evacuation through behavioral optimization
  16. Robot Gaze Can Mediate Participation Imbalance in Groups with Different Skill Levels
  17. Cost-aware Feature Selection for IoT Device Classification
  18. Complexity of linear relaxations in integer programming
  19. Organization Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm: The Great Divide
  20. Algorithms and conditional lower bounds for planning problems
  21. Can public service broadcasting survive Silicon Valley? Synthesizing leadership perspectives at the BBC, PBS, NPR, CPB and local US stations
  22. ” An Ideal Human” Expectations of AI Teammates in Human-AI Teaming
  23. Effects of group formation on student satisfaction and performance: a field experiment
  24. FinTech
  25. Player-AI Interaction: What Neural Network Games Reveal About AI as Play
  26. Leveraging machine learning in the global fight against money laundering and terrorism financing: An affordances perspective
  27. Understanding PPA-completeness
  28. Private Weighted Random Walk Stochastic Gradient Descent
  29. Stability in matching markets with complex constraints
  30. Highway Traffic Control via Smart e-Mobility–Part II: Dutch A13 Case Study
  31. A Fine-Grained Perspective on Approximating Subset Sum and Partition
  32. Parallel tensor factorization for relational learning
  33. Certification systems for machine learning: Lessons from sustainability
  34. Platform labour and contingent agency in China
  35. Parallelizing Thompson Sampling
  36. Applied risk analysis for guiding homeland security policy and decisions
  37. ?????????? 3 ?????????
  38. Detecting argumentative discourse in online chat experiments
  39. Where I’m Coming from: Studying the Novelty of Immersive Algorithms
  40. Deep Reinforcement Learning with Quantum-inspired Experience Replay
  41. Optimisation of cyber insurance coverage with selection of cost effective security controls.
  42. Rational monism and rational pluralism
  43. Competition in pricing algorithms
  44. Understanding interorganizational big data technologies: how technology adoption motivations and technology design shape collaborative dynamics
  45. Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds
  46. Geometric stability classification: datasets, metamodels, and adversarial attacks
  47. Reconstructing and Improving Parity Game Solvers with Justifications
  48. Professional Development of Code and Robotics Teachers Through Small Private Online Course (SPOC): Teacher Centrality and Pedagogical Strategies for …
  49. The Mathematics of Mutually Alien Copies: from Gaussian Integrals to Inter-universal Teichmuller Theory (Inter-universal Teichmüller Theory Summit 2016)
  50. The limits of the imaginary: Challenges to intervening in future speculations of memory, data, and algorithms
  51. Combinatorial optimization and reasoning with graph neural networks
  52. Computational Power: The Impact of ICT on Law, Society and Knowledge
  53. Digital Technologies for Governance
  54. Belief movement, uncertainty reduction, and rational updating
  55. Towards Practical Credit Assignment for Deep Reinforcement Learning
  56. Explainable AI: A Review of Machine Learning Interpretability Methods
  57. Artificial intelligence in hypertension: seeing through a glass darkly
  58. Universality in phyllotaxis: a mechanical theory
  59. Intelligent Portfolio Theory and Strength Investing in the Confluence of Business and Market Cycles and Sector and Location Rotations
  60. Dissenting Social Work: Critical Theory, Resistance and Pandemic
  61. How the SP System May Promote Sustainability in Energy Consumption in IT Systems
  62. Artificial Intelligence in Education
  63. When machine learning meets privacy: A survey and outlook
  64. Governance for Digital Technologies
  65. The passivity of seeing: A Lacanian perspective on pornographic spectatorship in virtual reality
  66. The Philosophy of Ecology: An Introduction
  67. Smartphones and the neuroscience of mental health
  68. Imagining the commoning library: Alter-neoliberal pedagogy in informational capitalism
  69. Logic in Reality
  70. The sound of the future: listening as data and the politics of soundscape assessment
  71. On the applicability of machine learning fairness notions
  72. Reasoning about strategic voting in modal logic quickly becomes undecidable
  73. Benchmarking and survey of explanation methods for black box models
  74. Modeling the structural relationship among primary students’ motivation to learn artificial intelligence
  75. Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Teaching Negotiation
  76. Algorithmically solving the Tadpole Problem
  77. Dynamic decision making and value computations in medial frontal cortex
  78. The Production and Consumption of Social Media
  79. Living things are not (20th Century) machines: updating mechanism metaphors in light of the modern science of machine behavior
  80. Living systems are smarter bots: Slime mold semiosis versus AI symbol manipulation
  81. Complexity guarantees for an implicit smoothing-enabled method for stochastic MPECs
  82. The role of self-concept and motivation within the” computational thinking” approach to early computer science education
  83. Two-step machine learning enables optimized nanoparticle synthesis
  84. Delivering solidarity: Platform architecture and collective contention in China’s platform economy
  85. Rethinking Nudge: An Information-Costs Theory of Default Rules
  86. Role and place of Informatics in the training of future teachers of mathematics
  87. Designing a Smart Honey Supply Chain for Sustainable Development
  88. Bilevel programming solution algorithms for optimal price-bidding of energy producers in multi-period day-ahead electricity markets with non-convexities
  89. Humanly extended automation or the future of work seen through Amazon patents
  90. A Theory of Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of School Quality
  91. Getting the lay of the land in discrete space: A survey of metric dimension and its applications
  92. Efficient online linear optimization with approximation algorithms
  93. Reconstructing feedback representations in the ventral visual pathway with a generative adversarial autoencoder
  94. Bi-objective Robust Incentive Mechanism Design for Mobile Crowdsensing
  95. Off-the-shelf deep learning is not enough, and requires parsimony, Bayesianity, and causality
  96. Deep Learning in Science
  97. Global solutions of nonconvex standard quadratic programs via mixed integer linear programming reformulations
  98. Media literacy in action: Questioning the media
  99. Fairness-Aware Learning from Corrupted Data
  100. Exploring Continued Fractions: from the integers to solar eclipses
  101. Integrated task and motion planning
  102. [PS][PS] The third international Moscow–Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation takes place at VA Steklov Mathematical In-stitute of Russian Academy of Sciences …
  103. Networked Systems
  104. Empirica: a virtual lab for high-throughput macro-level experiments
  105. Fair and Truthful Mechanism with Limited Subsidy
  106. Problematising reality: the promises and perils of synthetic media
  107. Out of the Dark Night
  108. Critical Perspectives on Governance Mechanisms for AI/ML Systems
  109. Characterizing marginalization and incremental operations on the Bayes tree
  110. ‘Next generation PE’? A sociomaterial approach to digitised health and physical education
  111. Crowdsourcing human common sense for quantum control
  112. Reinforcement learning approaches in social robotics
  113. What lurks beneath: the erotic charge of the Laplanchean unconscious and the digital object
  114. Research Programs Based on Machine Intelligence Games
  115. Making coherent senses of success in scientific modeling
  116. Adversary Instantiation: Lower Bounds for Differentially Private Machine Learning
  117. Impossible Tuning Made Possible: A New Expert Algorithm and Its Applications
  118. Multiple facility location games with envy ratio
  119. Spotify and the democratisation of music
  120. Hierarchical planning for resource allocation in emergency response systems
  121. Establishing a legal-ethical framework for quantum technology
  122. Optimal commissions and subscriptions in networked markets
  123. Learning Fair Representations for Recommendation: A Graph-based Perspective
  124. Seller-Pricing Frictions and Platform Remedies
  125. Reading, Fast and Slow
  126. Fastrack: a modular framework for real-time motion planning and guaranteed safe tracking
  127. Matching while learning
  128. New Frontiers of Robo-Advising: Consumption, Saving, Debt Management, and Taxes
  130. Socially Responsible AI Algorithms: Issues, Purposes, and Challenges
  131. Conceptualizing science communication in flux—a framework for analyzing science communication in a digital media environment
  132. When hackers were heroes
  133. Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Equilibrium in Limit Order Markets
  134. Dialogue between smart education and classical education
  135. Perverse Downstream Consequences of Debunking: Being Corrected by Another User for Posting False Political News Increases Subsequent Sharing of Low Quality …
  136. Quantum Private Distributed Learning Through Blind Quantum Computing
  137. Unspeakable Conventionality: The Perversity of the Kindle
  138. Linear Regression Games: Convergence Guarantees to Approximate Out-of-Distribution Solutions
  139. On the suitability, requisites, and challenges of machine learning
  140. Asynchronous session subtyping as communicating automata refinement
  141. Between a rock and a hard place: Freedom, flexibility, precarity and vulnerability in the gig economy in Africa
  142. On No-Sensing Adversarial Multi-player Multi-armed Bandits with Collision Communications
  143. CFIN: A community-based algorithm for finding influential nodes in complex social networks
  144. To” See” is to Stereotype: Image Tagging Algorithms, Gender Recognition, and the Accuracy-Fairness Trade-off
  145. Controlling synthetic characters in simulations: A case for cognitive architectures and Sigma
  146. Two-Fold Personalized Feedback Mechanism for Social Network Consensus by Uninorm Interval Trust Propagation
  147. Next-Generation Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Revives the Functional Analysis of Plant Metabolic Diversity
  148. Creativity as potentially valuable improbable constructions
  149. The value investors: lessons from the world’s top fund managers
  150. Scaling laws for transfer
  151. A Survey on Embedding Dynamic Graphs
  152. Are Sports Bettors Biased toward Longshots, Favorites, or Both? A Literature Review
  153. Property Inference From Poisoning
  154. A meta-analysis of machine learning-based science assessments: factors impacting machine-human score agreements
  155. The hierarchical evolution in human vision modeling
  156. Hardness of an asymmetric 2-player Stackelberg network pricing game
  157. Financial Sequence Prediction Based on Swarm Intelligence Algorithms of Internet of Things
  159. Streaming Music: Unending Consumption Begins
  160. Predicting market movement direction for bitcoin: A comparison of time series modeling methods
  161. Governing Uncertainty or Uncertain Governance? Information Security and the Challenge of Cutting Ties
  162. Ontological transparency,(in) visibility, and hidden curricula: Critical pedagogy amidst contentious edtech
  163. Circumventing Section 230: Product Liability Lawsuits Threaten Internet Speech
  164. Learning to optimize: A primer and a benchmark
  165. Exact and approximation algorithms for the expanding search problem
  166. Pedagogy of teaching introductory text-based programming in terms of computational thinking concepts and practices
  167. Comment: Advances in Studying the Vocal Expression of Emotion: Current Contributions and Further Options
  168. Diverse Collections in Matroids and Graphs
  169. Solving high-order portfolios via successive convex approximation algorithms
  170. A multigrid/ensemble Kalman filter strategy for assimilation of unsteady flows
  171. Robust Maximum Entropy Behavior Cloning
  172. Provably secure signature-based anonymous user authentication protocol in an Internet of Things-enabled intelligent precision agricultural environment
  173. LociMotion: Towards Learning a Strong Authentication Secret in a Single Session
  174. Pervasive label errors in test sets destabilize machine learning benchmarks
  175. Skittles as Matterphor
  176. Limits of probabilistic safety guarantees when considering human uncertainty
  177. From n-grams to trees in Lindenmayer systems
  178. Estimating the impact of “humanizing” customer service chatbots
  179. Logic: A Study Guide
  180. Pre-service and in-service teachers’ interest, knowledge, and self-confidence in using educational robotics in learning activities
  181. Quantum computer systems for scientific discovery
  182. Surveying the Landscape of Ethics-Focused Design Methods
  184. Risk-Averse Bayes-Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
  185. A review of privacy-preserving federated learning for the Internet-of-Things
  186. A Challenging Future for the Latin American News Media Industry
  187. Cognitive biases in search: a review and reflection of cognitive biases in Information Retrieval
  188. People, Ideas, Milestones: A Scientometric Study of Computational Thinking
  189. Deep reinforcement learning based trading agents: Risk curiosity driven learning for financial rules-based policy
  190. Online Apprenticeship Learning
  191. Implementing responsibility centre management in a higher educational institution
  192. Updater-Extractor Architecture for Inductive World State Representations
  193. Tourism, big data, and a crisis of analysis
  194. Computational Psychiatry Needs Time and Context
  195. More than business: The de-politicisation and re-politicisation of TikTok in the media discourses of China, America and India (2017–2020)
  196. Program Schemata Technique Revised
  197. Quantum Machine-Learning for Eigenstate Filtration in Two-Dimensional Materials
  198. About using analog computers in today’s largest computational challenges
  199. Co-constitutive complexity
  200. Optimization Algorithms as Robust Feedback Controllers
  201. Semi-Supervised Aggregation of Dependent Weak Supervision Sources With Performance Guarantees
  202. The Dual Strategic Persona: Emotional Connection, Algorithms and the Transformation of Contemporary Online Reviewers
  203. Analyzing students’ computational thinking practices in a first-year engineering course
  204. AlphaGo’s Deep Play: Technological Breakthrough as Social Drama
  205. Neural networks with motivation
  206. The Effect of Outsourcing Pricing Algorithms on Market Competition
  207. Hillary’Story: Plutocrat’s Life in the Alt Reality World
  208. Opportunities for DOE National Laboratory-led QuantISED Experiments
  209. Inter-dependent lead-time and ordering cost reduction strategy: a supply chain model with quality control, lead-time dependent backorder and price-sensitive …
  210. Disordered mean field games
  211. Entrepreneurial ecosystems in an interconnected world: emergence, governance and digitalization
  212. Distributionally robust federated averaging
  213. An integrative definition and framework to study gossip
  214. Tourist Recommender Systems Based on Emotion Recognition—A Scientometric Review
  215. Rates of convergence for density estimation with GANs
  216. Sisyphus and Climate Change: Educating in the Context of Tragedies of the Commons
  217. Maximum rooted connected expansion
  218. Criminal Futures: Predictive Policing and Everyday Police Work
  219. ‘Shiny’Crypto Assets: A Systemic Look at Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  220. Faster First-Order Primal-Dual Methods for Linear Programming using Restarts and Sharpness
  221. Off-policy evaluation in infinite-horizon reinforcement learning with latent confounders
  222. Biomolecular modeling and simulation: a prospering multidisciplinary field
  223. Don’t Overthink It!: A computational study on the rationality of following your gut
  224. Big data analytics in the model “Cargo flow—transport and logistics infrastructure”
  225. Exploration and exploitation in complex search tasks: How feedback influences whether and where human agents search
  226. Would you notice if fake news changed your behavior? An experiment on the unconscious effects of disinformation
  227. The Paradox of Proof: A Semiotic and Language-Based Critique
  228. No App is an Island: Collective Action and Sustainable Development Goal-Sensitive Design.
  229. On the Computational Properties of Obviously Strategy-Proof Mechanisms
  230. Big Observation–Ein Vergleich moderner Beobachtungsformate am Beispiel von amtlicher Statistik und Recommendersystemen
  231. Digital Anthropology
  232. Mining the Relationship Between COVID-19 Sentiment and Market Performance
  233. A Bregman Learning Framework for Sparse Neural Networks
  234. Treewidth-Pliability and PTAS for Max-CSPs
  235. A concrete example of construct construction in natural language
  236. Assessment and Decision-Making in Universities: Analytics of the Administration-Staff Compromises
  237. Failure to replicate the benefit of approximate arithmetic training for symbolic arithmetic fluency in adults
  238. Optimal assignment of buses to bus stops in a loop by reinforcement learning
  239. Anticipation and the Dynamics of Expectations
  240. The adaptive nature of text-driven law
  241. What is it about humanity that we can’t give away to intelligent machines? A European perspective
  242. How to find a coin: propositional program logics made easy
  243. Trustworthy AI
  244. Graph coloring with no large monochromatic components
  245. Data-driven personas
  246. Fair refinement for asynchronous session types (extended version)
  247. The 2010 HMGs Ten Years Later: Where Do We Go From Here?
  248. Provably Safe PAC-MDP Exploration Using Analogies
  249. Fissured employment and network bargaining: Emerging employment relations dynamics in a contingent world of work
  250. Equilibrium signaling in spatially inhomogeneous diffusion and external forces
  251. Personalised Services in Social Situations: Principal? Agent Relationships in Account Sharing
  252. Translating Critique: Civil Society and the Politicisation of Financial Regulation
  253. Bayesian collective learning emerges from heuristic social learning
  254. From representation to mediation: a new agenda for conceptual modeling research in a digital world
  255. On the Control of Attentional Processes in Vision
  256. Proteoform characterization based on top-down mass spectrometry
  257. Challenging Social Media Threats using Collective Well-being Aware Recommendation Algorithms and an Educational Virtual Companion
  258. Closing the closed-loop distribution shift in safe imitation learning
  259. A simplex algorithm for rational cp-factorization
  260. PathBench: A Benchmarking Platform for Classical and Learned Path Planning Algorithms
  261. Regret-optimal measurement-feedback control
  262. Naturally occurring language as a source of evidence in suicide prevention
  263. The panoptic sort: A political economy of personal information
  264. Influencers and COVID-19: reviewing key issues in press coverage across Australia, China, Japan, and South Korea
  265. Secure prediction and assessment of sports injuries using deep learning based convolutional neural network
  266. Computational thinking in programming with scratch in primary schools: A systematic review
  267. Policy mirror descent for regularized reinforcement learning: A generalized framework with linear convergence
  268. When artificial intelligence meets educational leaders’ data-informed decision-making: A cautionary tale
  269. The effectiveness of partial pair programming on elementary school students’ computational thinking skills and self-efficacy
  270. Technology Transformation in Education: Consequences of Digitalization

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