Simulation of Network Topology Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Definition (NetworkTopologySimulator):
    • Private Members:
      • numNodes: Number of nodes in the network.
      • adjacencyMatrix: 2D vector representing connections between nodes, where a value of 1 indicates a connection.
  2. Constructor:
    • Initializes the adjacency matrix for the network with the specified number of nodes.
  3. addConnection Method:
    • Adds a connection between two nodes in the network by updating the adjacency matrix. Assumes an undirected graph (bi-directional connections).
  4. performBFS Method:
    • Performs Breadth-First Search (BFS) starting from a specified node.
    • Uses a queue to explore nodes level by level.
    • Marks nodes as visited to avoid re-processing and prints the traversal order.
  5. main Function:
    • Prompts the user to input the number of nodes and connections.
    • Reads connections between nodes and adds them to the network using addConnection.
    • Asks for the starting node for BFS and performs the search using performBFS.

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