Projects Inventory

Space Invaders Game Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Definition:
    • Game class manages the game state.
    • screen is a 2D vector representing the game screen.
    • playerX and playerY store the player’s position.
    • gameOver is a flag to indicate if the game should end.
  2. Constructor:
    • Initializes the screen with spaces and places the player at the bottom center of the screen.
  3. Member Functions:
    • draw(): Clears the screen and then prints the current state of the screen.
    • input(): Checks for user input using _kbhit() and _getch() from conio.h. Moves the player left or right based on user input or ends the game if ‘q’ is pressed.
    • logic(): Placeholder for game logic (e.g., enemy movement, collision detection). Currently, it’s empty for simplicity.
  4. Run Loop (run()):
    • Continuously updates the game by calling draw(), input(), and logic().
    • Uses Sleep(100) to slow down the loop, controlling the game’s frame rate.
  5. Main Function:
    • Creates a Game object and starts the game loop by calling run().
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