Use Case Diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System

Use Case Diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System
Use Case Diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System



The existing system of “Automobile Workshop Management System system” is not so efficient. Customers are suffering a lot. There is no proper system for the record maintenance of customers and appointments. Customer visits to Automobile Workshops and sometimes they have to wait for a long time.

  • The current system is wasting the time of the customers.
  • No proper system for the record of the customer.
  • Customers mostly suffer due to rush at Automobile Workshop.

Disadvantages of the Existing Systems Process

  • Do not have any online appointment system.
  • Time-consuming
  • Not for all types of the customer, the system is only for a specific type of customer.


In the proposed system customer need not go to Automobile Workshop to make an appointment. In the proposed application customer can check when the mechanic will be available and can take an appointment without wasting the time.

Customers can sign up, add and delete cars, select the services of their choice, take appointments, review invoices.

This application can cause ease and comfort for the customers. They will not have to wait for a long period in Automobile Workshop for their turn.

Benefits of Proposed System

User-Friendly Interface

Friendly User Interface Ease to use for customers.

Take an appointment at home:

Customer doesn’t need to go out and drive to Automobile Workshop and wait in Automobile Workshop for their turn.


This application is secure as the only authorized person will be logged in Admin, Mechanic, and customers log into different panels.

Time Saving Method

Saves the customer and Administrator’s precious time

Similar Helping Material for Automobile Workshop App

  1. Code of Automobile Workshop Management System
  2. Functional and Non functional Requirements of Automobile Workshop Management System
  3. Use Case Diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System
  4. USE CASES Description of Automobile Workshop Management System
  5. Sequence diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System
  6. Class diagram of Automobile Workshop App
  7. ERD diagram OF Automobile Workshop App
  8. Software Testing of Automobile Workshop Management System
  9. Conceptual diagram of Automobile Workshop App 
  10. Data flow diagram of Automobile Workshop App (DFD)

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