USE CASES Description of Automobile Workshop Management System



Use Case Register
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when actor signup
Pre-Condition Sign up exists
Post-Condition Signup successful



Use Case Login
Actor Customer/Mechanic/Admin
Description Use Case starts when the actor will be login to the user/mechanic or admin panel. It will be finished when the actor will logout.
Pre-Condition Credential match

The actor logged in.

Post-Condition Login Successful


Add Mechanic

Use Case Add Mechanic
Actor Admin
Description Use Case starts when the actor login and goes to add mechanic activity.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

The table should exist in the database to store data.

Post-Condition Mechanic added successfully


 View Reports

Use Case View Reports
Actor Admin
Description Use Case starts when the admin logs in and go to view report activity.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

The record should exist in the database.

Post-Condition Record viewed successfully

 Add Car

Use Case Add Car
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when the customer logs in and moves to profile activity.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

The table should exist in the database to store records.

Post-Condition Car add successfully

Database updated.

Delete Car

Use Case Delete Car
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when the customer logs in and moves to profile car activity.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

Car detail should exist in the database to be deleted.

Post-Condition Car delete successfully and database updated


 View Profile

Use Case View Profile
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when customers log in and go to view profile activity.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

The record should exist in the database.

Post-Condition Profile viewed successfully


Select Services

Use Case Select Services
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when the customer logs in and takes an appointment.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

Must take an appointment to select services.

Post-Condition Services select successfully and added to the database.


Check Invoice

Use Case Check Invoice
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when the customer logs in and the appointment are handled by the mechanic.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

An appointment must handle by the mechanic and generate a bill.

Post-Condition Invoice successfully viewed.


Take Appointment

Use Case Take Appointment
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when customer logs in and customer moves to take appointment activity.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

There must be a car record in the database for which you are taking an appointment

Post-Condition The appointment is successful.

  Check Appointment Time and Date

Use Case Check Appointment Time and Date
Actor Customer
Description Use Case starts when customer logs in and customer moves to take appointment activity.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

The appointment was taken against a car.

Post-Condition Time and date successfully check.


 Handle Appointment

Use Case Handle Appointment
Actor Mechanic
Description Use Case starts when mechanic logs in check appointment details and start handling them.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

There should be some services in the appointments to handle against some cars.

Post-Condition Selected services handled.


Generate Invoice

Use Case Generate Invoice
Actor Mechanic
Description Use Case starts when the mechanic logs in and generates an invoice after handling the appointment.
Pre-Condition The actor logged in.

Services should be handled by a mechanic.

Post-Condition Invoice generated.


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  1. Code of Automobile Workshop Management System
  2. Functional and Non functional Requirements of Automobile Workshop Management System
  3. Use Case Diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System
  4. USE CASES Description of Automobile Workshop Management System
  5. Sequence diagram of Automobile Workshop Management System
  6. Class diagram of Automobile Workshop App
  7. ERD diagram OF Automobile Workshop App
  8. Software Testing of Automobile Workshop Management System
  9. Conceptual diagram of Automobile Workshop App 
  10. Data flow diagram of Automobile Workshop App (DFD)

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