College institute school Management System Project (CMSP) using C# with Source Code
Language: C#
The idea of developing the “College/institute/school Management System Project (CMSP)” project has come to our mind when we go to the College/institute/school of computer education where we see that the data is handled manually in the form of files. This is an attempt to create a project “College/institute/school Management System Project (CMSP)” through which will show all the working of College/institute/school will be automated. It can be used both in top-level and bottom-level management for daily operation. All the services for retrieving like college student record, teacher’s record, fees management will be added, deleted, updated and saved in the project i.e. when a new college student will come for admission all the record regarding the college student will be filled in which subject he will have submitted, submitted the fees, attendance chart, teacher’s or non-teaching staff record. We can easily see and maintain that how many college students are in the College/institute/school, how many subjects etc.
System Development
Software resources used
Front End Design development of College Management System Project: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 2012
Back End development of College Management System Project: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2012.
Code-Behind Language: C#
Other Requirement development of College Management System Project:
.Net Framework 4.0,4.5
Hardware resources used for the development of College Management System Project:
Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, or Above OS
Client-side: Pentium IV Computer
Functional requirements of College Management System Project:
- Login/Logout
- Add, delete, view, update and search Semester
- Add, delete, view, update and search Fees
- Add, delete, view, update and search College student List
- Add, delete, view, update and search Subjects
- Add, delete, view, update and search Subjects
- Add, delete, view, update and search Teachers
- Add, delete, view, update and search College student Attendance
- Add, delete, view, update and search Teacher’s Attendance
- Add, delete, view, update and search College student’s Fee
- Add, delete, view, update and search Teacher’s Schedule
- Generates Reports
- Backup and Restore Database
How to Run College Management System Project:
Download and Install Microsoft Visual Studio Software
Download and Install Microsoft SQL Server
- Download and Extract the provided source code in zip file named as CollegeManagementSystem Project in
- Open Microsft SQL Server Management Software.
- Restore the Backup Database provided. The backup file is known as “College/institute/school_1_3_2017.bak” located inside the “Database Backup” folder.
- Open the “College/institute/schoolManagementSystem.sln” file with Visual Studio Software.
- Configure the Database credentials in “Global.cs”.
- Press the “F5” key on keyboard to run the project.
Admin Credentials
Username: Admin
Password: admin