Download Code: PHP Source Code for Online Pizza Ordering System

Download Code PHP Source Code for Online Pizza Ordering System

Online Pizza Ordering System in PHP – Project Overview

The Online Pizza Ordering System is a web-based application developed using PHP and MySQL databases. The purpose of this project is to offer pizza businesses an online platform for customers to browse and order pizzas from their menu. It features a user-friendly interface, designed with the Bootstrap framework to ensure a pleasant browsing experience. The system provides several essential features and functionalities that make it easy for both the business and customers to handle pizza orders.

How Does the Online Pizza Ordering System Work?

The system is divided into two main sections: the Admin Panel and the Public/Customer Site.

Admin Panel:

  • Login/Logout: Admin and staff can log in using their credentials.
  • Product and Menu Management: Admin can manage categories and menus.
  • Order Management: Admin and staff can view and process customer orders.
  • User Management: Admin can manage system users and their roles.
  • System Info Management: Admin can manage system settings.

Public/Customer Site:

  • Registration/Login: Customers need to register and log in to place orders.
  • Product Browsing: Customers can browse the available pizzas and filter them by category.
  • Shopping Cart: Customers can add items to the cart, adjust quantities, or remove items.
  • Checkout: After reviewing their order, customers can proceed to checkout, fill in their details, and confirm the order.
  • Order Status: Orders are marked as “For Verification” until processed.

Technologies Used

This project uses the following technologies:

  • PHP: Backend scripting language.
  • MySQL: Database management system.
  • XAMPP: Local server environment.
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript: For front-end development.
  • Bootstrap: Framework for responsive design.
  • DataTables: Library for tables with sorting and searching functionality.
  • FontAwesome: For icons and visual elements.

Features and Functionalities

Admin Site:

  • Login and logout functionality
  • Dashboard/Home page
  • Management of product categories and menus
  • Order and user management
  • System information management

Public/Customer Site:

  • User login and registration
  • Browse and filter products
  • Pagination for menu lists
  • Shopping cart functionality
  • Checkout form
  • Logout option

Purpose and Educational Use

The Online Pizza Ordering System is developed for educational purposes and can also be used for commercial applications. It provides a practical example for students who want to develop similar ordering systems. The source code is freely available for download, and users can modify it to suit their needs.

How to Run the System


  1. Download and install XAMPP or any other local web server.
  2. Download the source code (zip file).


  1. Start Apache and MySQL using the XAMPP control panel.
  2. Extract the downloaded zip file.
  3. Copy the extracted folder into the “htdocs” directory of XAMPP.
  4. Open PHPMyAdmin in a browser (e.g., http://localhost/phpmyadmin).
  5. Create a new database named opos_db.
  6. Import the SQL file (opos_db.sql) provided in the database folder.
  7. Access the system in a browser (e.g., http://localhost/php-opos/).

Admin Login Credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: admin123


This PHP-based Online Pizza Ordering System, built using MySQL and PHP, is an excellent starting point for students and developers to create their own ordering platforms. It includes all the necessary features to manage a pizza business online and can be easily modified to meet specific needs.

index PHP

login PHP

voting_db SQL



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