Functional Non Functional Requirements of Projects

Functional Non Functional Requirements of Projects

Functional Requirements of Social Networking site

Functional Requirements of Social Networking site System Features Ø    Ø    Functional Requirements All system should have the client for program running. The server should identify individual systems by their name. Input: User name and password. Output: Homepage and all other links of website related to links. Ø    Ø    Registration: Ø    Ø    To make registration Ø    …

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Explanation of Non FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Performance The Server would be able to perform desired tasks in reasonable unit of time. Reliability The Server would perform desired tasks as expected. The system does its work with more accuracy like user registration to the system, user validation and authorization, book search …


Functional Requirements of Newspaper Management System with non functional requirements

Introduction of Newspaper Management System This document will offer all features and procedures to develop the Newspaper Management System. In which users can avail all current national and international issues and affairs. Which are related to Business, Tech, Pandemic, and many more in which we designed two interfaces one for the audience (a normal website) …

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Functional and non Functional Requirements of Travel and Tourism Management System Project

INTRODUCTION The travel Management System in PHP offers clients a varieties of travel packages all over in Pakistan on an Affordable cost such as Sea exploring, Forest hiking, sports trip, snow adventure, city wanderer, mountain biking etc. Pakistan is one of the richest countries for tourist places in the world but there is not even …

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Exams Question Paper Maker Code in PHP

Exams Question Paper Maker Code in PHP This simple Final Year Project for BSCS and BSSE is titles as  Exams Question Paper Maker System. This Final Year Project for BSCS and BSSE is a web application and its developed in PHP and by using the MySQL Database in XAMPP. The Final Year Project for BSCS …

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Non functional requirements of Blood bank Management System

Non functional requirements of Blood bank Management System Project Maintainability: Serviceability Environmental Data Integrity Usability ScalabilityReliability Recoverability Interoperability Capacity Performance Security Regulatory Availability Manageability   Maintainability: The Blood bank Management System have must have high level of Maintainability. Serviceability If issue arises in the Blood bank Management System, then the project must be programmed in …

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Functional Requirements of Blood bank Management

Functional Requirements of Blood bank Management System Project Access Website: Software operator should be capable to access web-application through either an application browser or similar service on the PC. There should not be any limitation to access web- application. Software operator Registration: Given that software operator has accessed web-application, then the software operator should be …

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Car Management System Project PHP mysql

Functional Requirement: “Car Management System Project PHP mysql” Registration for new user will be available on login page and registration for employees can be done by Admin only. In Profile module a admin can add a new users to the database . Only admin can add or drop the users. In Vehicles modules, all the …

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Car insurance system Management System Project PHP MYSQL

Car insurance system Management System Project PHP MYSQL Functional requirements of Car Insurance system are as following: User has to make account for car insurance system. User has to login and make his profile. User can use his/her exiting account also. Admin has authority to verify the user account. Only Admin can delete record. Only …

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