Functional and Non functional requirements of Electronics and Solar Energy System Management System



Product Description:

The system consists a web site which can provide the Electronics and Solar  system home delivery service. Web site should be able to help the customer for selecting his item and to help the owner in managing the orders from the customers.

Problem Statement:

As online home delivery system became a trend nowadays the regular shops are losing their customers to online brands. Customers have effortless shopping experience and saving time through Electronics and Solar  system home delivery system. For competing with those online brands, if shops are providing an online portal where their customers can shop through internet and get the products at their doors it will increase the number of customers.


To provide an Electronics and Solar  system home delivery web site for the same shop.


 Non Functional Requirements

Efficiency Requirement

When an Electronics and Solar  home delivery system implemented customer can purchase product in an efficient manner.

Reliability Requirement

The system should provide a reliable environment to both customers and owner. All orders should be reaching at the admin without any errors.

Usability Requirement

The web site is designed for user friendly environment and ease of use.

Implementation Requirement

Implementation of the system using CSS, AJAX, ASP and HTML in front end with Microsoft C# as back end and it will be used for database connectivity. And the database part is developed by MS-SQL. Responsive web designing is used for making the website compatible for any type of screen.

Delivery Requirement

The whole system is expected to be delivered in one month of time with weekly evaluation by the project guide.

Database Security

Unauthorized person cannot access the panel and database, do not read and write the information.


This website will be available Monday-Friday8.00 -19.00 and Saturday 9.30-17.00.

Functional Requirements

It is the primary requirements that are fulfilled by our web site. It’s allowing the users, customers to use our website at the level of ease. The purpose of our website is to provide the full information that is required to the user. Here is the following requirement that is fulfilled by our system.


Add to Cart

The user can add the desired product into cart by clicking order now option on the product. After this customer fulfil the required detail. Before click the send option, if customer want to change the product so they can also change the desired product. At the end customer click the send option and its order successfully proceed.

View Products

He can view description of product. After confirming the items user can select it into cart by providing a delivery address.

Usage Calculation

The user can calculate their exact solar energy requirements usage by putting the number of electrical equipment’s that the user wants to operate on solar system. At the end, he will know about the total usage in Voltage form.

Ask Questions

The user can ask a questions if they are confusing in order to buy the solar system. If the user having a further query they can ask or resolve their query by describing his/her query in message form.


Manage Products

The administrator can add product, delete product, hide product and view product.

Manage Orders

The administrator can view orders and delete orders.

-The system must identify the login of the admin.

-Admin account should be secured so that only owner of the shop can access that account.

More helping material for Electronic Shop Project

  1. SRS Document of Electronics and Solar Energy System Management System
  2. Electronic shop SOURCE CODE IN ASP.NET C# [Download]
  3. Functional and Nonfunctional requirements of Electronics and Solar Energy System Management System
  4. Use case diagram of Electronics and Solar Energy System Management System
  5. Use Case Description of Electronics and Solar Energy System Management System
  6. Database tables Design of Electronics and Solar Energy System Management System
  7. Sequence diagram of Electronics and Solar Energy System Management System
  8. ER-DIAGRAM Entity relationship for electronic shop

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