A School Management System not only gives information about students. It can provide real-time information about teacher’s activities also. It also provides a dedicated portal for teachers making it easier for them to find all information related to students and school activities.
Now let us take a look at why institutes need to implement this system.
o Student Information
o Parent Access
o Teacher Information
o SMS and Real-time app notification
o Attendance Management
o Report Cards
o Fee Management and Online Payments
In software and system engineering, a functional requirements defines a function of a system or its components, where a function is described as a specification of behavior between outputs and inputs.
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Functional Requirements Of School
:Management System:
Now we can mention all the functional requirements for school management system and define some of them. The functional requirements for school management system are given below ;
o Student shall give test
o Student shall communicate the teacher
o Teacher shall login
o Teacher shall communicate with admin,student and parents
o Teacher shall assign assignments to the student
o Teacher shall collect assignment of his student.
o Teacher shall take test online
o Teacher shall mark attendance online
o Parents shall login through his child id

Some of functional requirements are given below;
o Maintain Records
o Maintain Student Attendance
o Track Student Performance
o Schedule Timetable
o Fee Collection
o Effortless Communication

 Now we can see the detail of school management system.

o Maintain Records:
A school management system should maintain the record of each student. It should also keep a track of all the activities of every single student starting from admission till the exams.
o Manage Student Attendance:
It should manage the student attendance by maintaining session wise or class wise as per the need of school. This system can reduce the attendance error of each student in each section or class.
o Track Student Performance:
This school management system must have features that analyze the performance of each student. It should be smart and enough to calculate the grades of all students and display them.
o Schedule Timetable:
This software should have a module that maintain and update the time table for students.
o Fee Collection:
A school management system software should offer the fee collection module, that manages the fee collection of students fee paid,fee dues,fee receipts etc.

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