Laravel Jetstream – Scaffolding for Laravel apps

Laravel Jetstream is an application scaffolding system for Laravel that provides a more robust starting point for modern web applications compared to Laravel Breeze. While Breeze is minimalistic, Jetstream offers additional features like team management, API tokens, and two-factor authentication. It’s a great starting point if you’re building complex applications with more advanced requirements.

Key Features of Laravel Jetstream:

  1. Authentication: Provides registration, login, password reset, email verification, and session management functionality.
  2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Supports two-factor authentication for increased security using services like Google Authenticator.
  3. Team Management: Includes team-based functionality, allowing users to manage multiple teams, team invitations, and switching between teams.
  4. Profile Management: Includes user profile and password management features.
  5. API Tokens: Provides API token management using Laravel Sanctum for building APIs with personal access tokens.
  6. Email Verification: Built-in email verification with routes and controllers.
  7. Frontend Options: Offers either Inertia.js (with Vue.js or React) or Livewire (with Blade templates) for frontend interactivity.
  8. Session Management: Users can manage and logout active sessions across multiple devices.


To install Laravel Jetstream, follow these steps:

  1. Install Laravel: If you haven’t already installed Laravel, create a new project:

  2. Require Laravel Jetstream: Navigate to your project directory and install Jetstream:

  3. Install Jetstream: Run the installation command, choosing either Livewire or Inertia.js (with Vue.js or React). Here’s how to install Jetstream with each:
    • For Livewire:

    • For Inertia.js with Vue.js:
    • For Inertia.js with React: You can manually add React after installing Inertia.js.
  4. Optional: Install Teams Feature: If you want to enable the team management feature, include the --teams flag:
    • For Livewire with teams:
    • For Inertia.js with teams:
  5. Run Migrations: Jetstream includes migrations for authentication, teams, and API tokens. Run them using:
  6. Install NPM Dependencies: Install the necessary frontend dependencies and compile them:
  7. Serve the Application: Finally, start your Laravel development server:

Additional Features:

  • Two-Factor Authentication: Jetstream comes with two-factor authentication, which you can enable via the user profile screen.
  • Teams: If you’ve enabled the team feature, users can create and manage teams, invite members, and assign roles.
  • API Tokens: With Laravel Sanctum, Jetstream allows users to generate API tokens for external applications or mobile apps.

Jetstream vs Breeze:

  • Breeze: A simpler and more lightweight starter kit for projects that don’t need advanced features.
  • Jetstream: Offers more comprehensive functionality, ideal for larger, more feature-rich applications with things like team support, API tokens, and two-factor authentication.


  1. Laravel Breeze – Simple authentication starter kit
  2. Laravel Jetstream – Scaffolding for Laravel apps
  3. Laravel Passport – API authentication via OAuth2
  4. Laravel Sanctum – Simple API authentication
  5. Spatie Laravel Permission – Role and permission management
  6. Laravel Cashier – Subscription billing with Stripe
  7. Laravel Scout – Full-text search using Algolia
  8. Laravel Socialite – OAuth authentication (Google, Facebook, etc.)
  9. Laravel Excel – Excel import and export for Laravel
  10. Laravel Horizon – Redis queues monitoring
  11. Laravel Nova – Admin panel for Laravel
  12. Laravel Fortify – Backend authentication for Laravel
  13. Laravel Vapor – Serverless deployment on AWS
  14. Laravel Telescope – Debugging assistant for Laravel
  15. Laravel Dusk – Browser testing
  16. Laravel Mix – API for compiling assets
  17. Spatie Laravel Backup – Backup management
  18. Laravel Livewire – Building dynamic UIs
  19. Spatie Laravel Media Library – Manage media uploads
  20. Laravel Excel – Excel spreadsheet handling
  21. Laravel Debugbar – Debug tool for Laravel
  22. Laravel WebSockets – Real-time communication
  23. Spatie Laravel Sitemap – Generate sitemaps
  24. Laravel Spark – SaaS scaffolding
  25. Laravel Envoy – Task runner for deployment
  26. Spatie Laravel Translatable – Multilingual model support
  27. Laravel Backpack – Admin panel
  28. Laravel AdminLTE – Admin interface template
  29. Laravel Collective Forms & HTML – Simplified form and HTML generation
  30. Spatie Laravel Analytics – Google Analytics integration
  31. Laravel Eloquent Sluggable – Automatically create slugs
  32. Laravel Charts – Chart integration
  33. Laravel Auditing – Track changes in models
  34. Laravel JWT Auth – JSON Web Token authentication
  35. Laravel Queue Monitor – Monitor job queues
  36. Spatie Laravel Query Builder – Filter, sort, and include relationships in Eloquent queries
  37. Laravel Datatables – jQuery Datatables API
  38. Laravel Localization – Multilingual support for views and routes
  39. Laravel Acl Manager – Access control list manager
  40. Laravel Activity Log – Record activity in your app
  41. Laravel Roles – Role-based access control
  42. Spatie Laravel Tags – Tagging models
  43. Laravel Installer – CLI installer for Laravel
  44. Laravel Breadcrumbs – Generate breadcrumbs in Laravel
  45. Laravel Mailgun – Mailgun integration for Laravel
  46. Laravel Trustup Model History – Store model change history
  47. Laravel Deployer – Deployment automation tool
  48. Laravel Auth – Custom authentication guards
  49. Laravel CORS – Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support
  50. Laravel Notifications – Send notifications through multiple channels
  51. Spatie Laravel Http Logger – Log HTTP requests
  52. Laravel Permission Manager – Manage permissions easily
  53. Laravel Stubs – Customize default stubs in Laravel
  54. Laravel Fast Excel – Speed up Excel exports
  55. Laravel Image – Image processing
  56. Spatie Laravel Backup Server – Centralize backups for Laravel apps
  57. Laravel Forge API – Manage servers through the Forge API
  58. Laravel Blade SVG – Use SVGs in Blade templates
  59. Laravel Ban – Ban/unban users from your application
  60. Laravel API Response – Standardize API responses
  61. Laravel SEO – Manage SEO meta tags
  62. Laravel Settings – Store and retrieve settings
  63. Laravel DOMPDF – Generate PDFs
  64. Laravel Turbo – Full-stack framework for building modern web apps
  65. Spatie Laravel Event Sourcing – Event sourcing implementation
  66. Laravel Jetstream Inertia – Jetstream’s Inertia.js integration
  67. Laravel Envoy Tasks – Task automation
  68. Laravel Likeable – Like/dislike functionality
  69. Laravel GeoIP – Determine visitor’s geographic location
  70. Laravel Country State City – Dropdowns for country, state, and city
  71. Laravel Hashids – Generate short unique hashes
  72. Laravel Repository – Repository pattern for Laravel
  73. Laravel UUID – UUID generation for models
  74. Spatie Laravel Medialibrary Pro – Enhanced media management
  75. Laravel Queue Monitor – Monitor Laravel job queues
  76. Laravel User Activity – Monitor user activity
  77. Laravel DB Snapshots – Create database snapshots
  78. Laravel Twilio – Twilio integration
  79. Laravel Roles – Role-based permission handling
  80. Laravel Translatable – Add translations to Eloquent models
  81. Laravel Teamwork – Manage teams in multi-tenant apps
  82. Laravel Full Text Search – Add full-text search to Laravel models
  83. Laravel File Manager – File and media management
  84. Laravel User Timezones – Automatically detect user time zones
  85. Laravel ChartsJS – Render charts with ChartsJS
  86. Laravel Stripe – Stripe API integration
  87. Laravel PDF Generator – PDF generation
  88. Laravel Elasticsearch – Elasticsearch integration
  89. Laravel Simple Qrcode – Generate QR codes
  90. Laravel Timezone – Manage timezones and conversions
  91. Laravel Collective API – API management for Laravel
  92. Laravel Rest API Boilerplate – REST API starter kit
  93. Laravel Multi Auth – Multi-authentication functionality
  94. Laravel Voyager – Admin panel for Laravel
  95. Laravel Voyager Database – Database manager for Voyager
  96. Laravel Categories – Handle categories for models
  97. Laravel Multitenancy – Multi-tenancy implementation
  98. Laravel Access Control – Advanced access control for users
  99. Laravel Menus – Menu management
  100. Laravel Translatable Routes – Multilingual route handling

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