Laravel Translatable – Add translations to Eloquent models

To add translations to Eloquent models in Laravel, you can use a package like Astrotomic Laravel Translatable, which makes it easy to handle translations for your Eloquent models.

Step 1: Install the Laravel Translatable Package

Run the following Composer command to install the Astrotomic Laravel Translatable package:



Step 2: Publish the Configuration File (Optional)

If you want to customize the configuration of the package, you can publish the config file using the following command:


This will create a translatable.php configuration file in the config directory.

Step 3: Configure Your Model to Be Translatable

To make a model translatable, you need to:

  1. Add the Translatable trait to your model.
  2. Specify the fields that will be translatable.

Let’s assume you have a Post model and you want to make the title and content fields translatable.

In app/Models/Post.php, update your model as follows:



Step 4: Create a Translation Model and Migration

The translatable fields will be stored in a separate translations table, so you need to create a new model and migration for that. Let’s create the PostTranslation model.

Run the following command to generate a model and migration for translations:


In the PostTranslation model (app/Models/PostTranslation.php), define it as follows:


In the migration file created (database/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_create_post_translations_table.php), update it to define the schema for the post_translations table:


Run the migration to create the necessary tables:



Step 5: Add Translations to Your Data

Now that everything is set up, you can add translations to your Post model in different languages. Here’s an example of how you can create a post with translations in both English and French:



Step 6: Retrieving Translations

When retrieving translations, the package automatically returns the model in the current application locale. You can change the locale dynamically or retrieve translations for a specific locale.

Example: Get Current Locale Translation


Example: Get Translation for a Specific Locale


Example: Get All Translations



Step 7: Updating Translations

To update translations for a post, use the same method translateOrNew():



Step 8: Deleting Translations

To delete a translation, use the deleteTranslation() method:




You’ve successfully integrated Astrotomic Laravel Translatable into your Laravel project. Here’s a quick summary of the steps:

  1. Install the package via Composer.
  2. Add the Translatable trait to your model and define translatable attributes.
  3. Create a translation model and migration.
  4. Add translations when creating models.
  5. Retrieve and update translations easily using the package methods.
  6. Use translateOrNew() to handle the addition and update of translations.

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