Laravel Mailgun – Mailgun integration for Laravel

Laravel Mailgun is a package that integrates Mailgun, a powerful email delivery service, with Laravel applications. This integration allows you to send emails easily and reliably through the Mailgun API, benefiting from features like analytics, tracking, and high deliverability.


Key Features of Laravel Mailgun:

  1. Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrates with Laravel’s mailing system.
  2. Mailgun API Support: Leverages Mailgun’s API for sending emails.
  3. Mail Tracking: Supports tracking email opens, clicks, and bounces.
  4. Webhook Handling: Automatically handle incoming messages via webhooks.
  5. Configurable: Easy to configure with different Mailgun domains and settings.


To get started with Laravel Mailgun, follow these steps:

  1. Install Laravel: Ensure you have a Laravel application set up. You can create a new one using the Laravel installer or Composer.
  2. Require the Mailgun SDK: Install the Mailgun SDK via Composer by running the following command:
  3. Configure .env File: Add your Mailgun credentials to your .env file:
    Replace your-mailgun-domain with your Mailgun domain (e.g., and your-mailgun-api-key with your Mailgun API key.
  4. Update config/mail.php: Make sure the config/mail.php file has the Mailgun configuration:

Sending Emails

You can use Laravel’s built-in mail functionality to send emails via Mailgun. Here’s how:

  1. Create a Mailable Class: Use the Artisan command to create a new Mailable class:
    This will create a new Mailable class in the app/Mail directory.
  2. Define the Mailable: Open the WelcomeMail class and define how the email should be structured:
  3. Create the Email View: Create a Blade template for the email in resources/views/emails/welcome.blade.php:
  4. Sending the Email: You can send the email from a controller or any other part of your application:

Handling Webhooks

Mailgun allows you to handle incoming messages and events via webhooks. You can set up routes in your application to handle these events.

  1. Create a Webhook Controller: Generate a controller to handle webhooks:
    In the controller, define methods to handle different events:
  2. Define Routes: Add routes to handle webhooks in routes/web.php:
  3. Configuring Webhooks in Mailgun: Configure your Mailgun account to point to your webhook endpoint for the events you want to handle.



Integrating Mailgun with Laravel allows you to manage your email sending process more effectively, leveraging Mailgun’s powerful features for enhanced delivery and tracking.


Additional Considerations

  • Documentation: For more detailed information, advanced features, and updates, refer to the official Mailgun documentation and the Laravel Mail documentation.
  • Testing: Consider using tools like Mailtrap or Mailhog for testing your email sending during development to avoid sending real emails.

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