Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project SRS Document


This chapter contains the basic concept behind the development of our final year project. In this one can get to know about the software and concepts being utilized. This chapter offers an outline related to project’s background. Information related to how is our project related to gamers of this modern era and how our project assists in providing gamers a better platform for gaming is being provided in this chapter.


We have developed our Project of “E Sports Online Portal” to provide a specific platform for all types of gamers. Our goal is to unite gamers from all over the country so they can interact with each other.


Tools being used in our Project are:

  • Xampp
  • Sublime
  • Visual Studio 2019


Methodologies used in our project involve:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • Python
  • SQL

relevance to course modules

Our Project is related to Courses like Web Development, Object Oriented Analysis and Designs, Database Systems and Human Computer Interactions.

Project background

Now-a-days people love to play games on PC and similarly many people are crazy for adventurous games like Locked in at the Lake.  Keeping in view this, many students love to complete the final-year projects in gaming. The idea behind the development of our project is to provide a unique platform to all the gamers so they can be notified and informed about all the upcoming events and scrims. As our E Sports Online Portal is gathering all the gamer’s attentions. Users can communicate with other registered users of a gaming community with the help of our developed Portal.


As e-gaming is an emerging industry that is growing day by day. Even in PAKISTAN, different organizations are providing boot camps to their sponsored players.

The government is also preparing to organize gaming tournaments in Pakistan where the Winner would get a chance to compete in other countries. So our goal is to notify gamers from all regions of PAKISTAN about any upcoming arranged event


Players are seeking new methods to connect to each other and form a community that can stand on its own and discusses fresh ideas relating to gaming.


Our first step would be to identify the problem that is not a unique platform for all the gaming community to interact and trade with each other. This problem can be cracked by providing them a specific Online Web portal that can fulfill their requirements. We had created a Prototype of our portal before implementation. After developing a successful portal we managed to develop basic layout of our Web Portal. This assists a good experience while interacting of a user with our Online Gaming And Gamers Online Portal.

More helping material from Gaming And Gamers Portal

  1. Functional And Non-Functional Requirements Of Online Gami
  2. SRS Document of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal
  3. Use case detailed description table of Gaming And Gamers Portal
  4. Software Testing of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project
  5. Use case diagram of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project
  6. ERD Entity relationship diagram of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project
  7. Context diagram of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project

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