Software Testing of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project


Testing the software application is an important activity in the software development life cycle (SDLC). It helps in maintaining the quality of the system.

Table 5.1: Register Account

Test Case Id TC1
Test Scenario Register Account
Test Data Full name,Email,IGN,Pass
Test Steps 1.      Enter Name

2.      Enter Email

3.      Enter IGN

4.      Enter Pass

Expected Result Success, User successfully gets registered

Table 5.2: Login Account

Test Case Id TC2
Test Scenario Login Account
Test Data Email, Pass
Test Steps 1.      Enter Email

2.      Enter Password

Expected Result Success, User successfully Logged In


Table 5.3: Access Trading

Test Case Id TC3
Test Scenario Access Trading
Test Data Username, Steam Account, Password
Test Steps 1.      Enter Username

2.      Provide Steam Account

3.      Enter Password


Expected Result Trade has been accomplished.

More helping material from Gaming And Gamers Portal

  1. Functional And Non-Functional Requirements Of Online Gami
  2. SRS Document of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal
  3. Use case detailed description table of Gaming And Gamers Portal
  4. Software Testing of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project
  5. Use case diagram of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project
  6. ERD Entity relationship diagram of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project
  7. Context diagram of Online Gaming And Gamers Portal System Project

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