Simulation of Genetic Drift Gaming Project in C++


  1. Class Definition (Population):
    • Private Members:
      • alleles: A vector storing the alleles in the population (‘A’ or ‘B’).
    • Public Methods:
      • Population(): Constructor initializes the population with INITIAL_A ‘A’ alleles and INITIAL_B ‘B’ alleles. Shuffles the alleles to randomize their order.
      • void simulateGeneration(): Simulates genetic drift by randomly selecting alleles to form the new generation. Each individual in the new generation is randomly chosen from the current population.
      • void printStatistics() const: Prints the count of ‘A’ and ‘B’ alleles in the current population.
  2. main Function:
    • Initializes the random seed with the current time.
    • Creates a Population object to start the simulation.
    • Prints the initial population statistics.
    • Simulates multiple generations, printing the allele statistics for each generation.

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