Software Testing of E-Commerce website Project

Software Testing of E-Commerce website Project
Software Testing of E-Commerce website Project

Sign up:

Test case ID TC01
Test Case name Sign up
System Sales Counter plugin
Short Description Test that whether Admin can get registered or not

Admin should have valid email address.

Internet service should be available at application side.

Action Expected System Response Pass/fail
Admin sign up with already registered email address. System would not allow the admin to sign up. Fail
Admin sign up with a new email address. System will accept it and allow the admin to sign up Pass
Post condition

Admin would get an email contain in db.

Test Case of Sign-up

Sign in:

Test case ID TC02
Test Case name Sign in
System Sales Counter plugin
Short Description Test that Admin can login to the system after registration.

Admin should be registered and verified through email.

Internet service should be available at application side.

Action Expected System Response Pass/fail
Admin enter right email address and wrong password System will not allow the admin to login. Fail
Admin enters wrong email with right password System will not accept it Fail
Admin enters user enter wrong email and wrong password Rejected by the system Fail
Admin enters right email and right password System will allow the admin to login to the website. Pass

Test Case of Sign-in

Update Profile:

Test case ID TC03
Test Case name Update profile
System Sales Counter plugin
Short Description Test that Admin can make changings in his profile.

Admin should be registered.

Internet service should be available at application side.

Admin should be login.

Admin have their profile.

Action Expected System Response Pass/fail
Admin clicks on edit profile icon System will open the form allowing the Admin to make changings. Pass
Post condition

Admin can have a new updated profile.

Test Case of Update Profile

Add sales, Show timer:

Test case ID TC05
Test Case name Add sales, show timer
System Sales Counter plugin
Short Description Test that software can add sales and show timer

Admin should be logged in.

Internet service should be available at application side.

Action Expected System Response Pass/fail
Admin clicks on “add sales or show timer” button from index. System will add the sales of each product and will show the time of sales Pass
Post condition :

Both add sales and counter countdown would be added in the database and also be shown on home page.

Test Case of Add Packages

More helping Materials for E-Commerce website Project

  1. SRS (Documentation) of E-Commerce website Project
  2. Functional and Non-functional requirements of E-Commerce website Project
  3. Use case diagram of E-Commerce website
  4. Sequence diagram of E-Commerce website Project
  5. Class diagram of E-Commerce website Project
  6. Software Testing of E-Commerce website Project
  7. PPT Presentation of E-Commerce website Project

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