Use case Description details of Medical store Management System

Use Case Register
Actor Users
Description The Use case is start when the actors signup.
Pre-condition The signup exists
Post-condition The signup in successful


Use Case Manage Database
Actor Administrator
Description The use case is start when the actor will be Login
and access Manage Database.


Pre-condition The records exist for editing.
The actors logged in.
Post-condition The records edited successfully.


Use Case Manage Orders
Actor Administrator
Description The use case is start when the actor will be Login
and access the mange orders.


Pre-condition The order exist for editing.
The actor’s logged in.
Post-condition The record updated successfully.


Use Case View Products
Actor Users
Description The use case is start when the actor will be
online and access the view posts. It will be finish
when the actors will be logout.
Pre-condition The records exist for View.
Post-condition The record viewed successfully.
Table 3.5.6 USE CASE 6
Use Case Upload prescription
Actor Users
Description The use case is start when the actor will be Login
and access the Upload prescription. It will be
finish when the actors will be logout.


Use Case Search Products
Actor Users
Description The use case is start when the actor will be
online and access the search products. It will be
finish when the actors will be logout.

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  7. Class Diagram of Medical store Management System
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  9. Software Testing of Medical store Management System Project
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