Code of  Bike Renting System in C 

Code of  Bike Renting System in C

The Bike Renting System with Source Code is a project that can rent a bike. The system can help you edit, delete views, manage and search for the renting of bikes for your customer. The purpose of the Bike Renting System is to assist and to maintain the managing of customer renting records.

The Bike Renting System code was developed in a simple console application, the system is strictly needs user login information in order to access the system. The user can do a set of tasks in the system in the system, the user can register a rented bike detail, view the Record of the Rental, remove Record of the Rental, and edit the record. The system has all the needed functions to operate the renting system, you can easily edit, delete view, manage and search the renting process by filling in the customer details. The data that will be input will be stored as a text extension file. The Bike Renting System was created in a basic coding structure of C to teach and help the beginner to start their programming career.

Functional Requirements of Bike Renting System using C

  • The user can Rent a Bike
  • The user can view the Record of the Rental
  • The user can Remove the Record of the Rental
  • The user can Search Record of the Rental
  • The user can Edit Record

Installation  of Bike Renting System using C:

  1. Extract the zip file.
  2. Open the extracted folder
  3. Locate the c file.
  4. Then open the file via code blocks or any IDE’s that can run C++ files.
  5. Then click run and build.

User Login Information

Username: Username  is admin

Password: Password  is admin

Download C Code of  Bike Renting System

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