Electricity bill Project in PHP mysql

Functional Requirements of Electricity bill Project in PHP mysql

  1. User must be login.
  2. User must put there Consumer ID to show there electricity bill.
  3. User can see there full address.
  4. User must see the picture of the reading time meter.
  5. User must see the electricity meter No:
  6. User must see the total units which they consumed this month.
  7. User can display all his units consumed monthly/yearly.
  8. User must see the Month of bill.
  9. User must see the reading date or bill deliver date.
  10. User must see the due date or fine date to pay the bill.
  11. User can see his prevoius biiling record.
  12. User must see the rate of per unit that he pay.
  13. User must see the total price.
  14. The system can notify the consumer if they are not paying bill.
  15. The system can notify consumer if there is increase in price of per unit electricity.
  16. There is the payment option is necessary.
  17. User can pay bill with late fine.
  18. The system can store all of its user details.
  19. User can complaine about mistake in units consumed.
  20. User must want to logout there ID.

Source code, Documentation, SRS, Design document, test phase testing, project introduction, scope, abstract, test manual, use case diagrams, class diagrams, DFD, entity relationship diagra, and data base files are available on demand. This project is helpful for the final year project of students of computer science,  SE and IT.

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