PPT Presentation of Printing Press Management System


The objective of online printing services is to build secure user friendly RZ online printing services. where an end-user select from a variety of printing options available in the system and place.

The basic flow is that users will place an order through our website.


  1. The main objectives of our project are:
  2. User-friendly interface
  3. Easy interaction between supervisors and students
  4. Saves time of students and teachers.
  5. Direct communication between students and supervisors


  1. PHP
  2. MY SQL
  5. CSS
  6. HTML

Functional requirements:

Website for end-user

Admin panel for site admin


  1. The online ordering system will be a web based application whose main language of  programming will be PHP.
  2.  Its main aim is to simplify and improve the efficiency of the ordering process for both customer and restaurant , minimize manual data entry and ensure data accuracy and security during order placement process.

Admin panel:

Admin Profile Management

  1. Admin can login
  2. Admin can view their profile
  3. Admin can edit their profile
  4. Admin can add employe, product and category


  1. See the detail of website.
  2. Check their order.
  3. Give feedback

Download full PPT Presentation of Printing Press Management System

More helping material on Printing Press Management System System

  1. SRS Documentation of Printing Press Management System System 
  2. Functional and Non-functional Requirements of Printing Press Management System System
  3. Use case diagram of Printing Press Management System System 
  4. Class diagram of Printing Press Management System System 
  5. Context diagram of Printing Press Management System System 
  6. Sequence diagram of Printing Press Management System System
  7. Software Testing of Printing Press Management System System
  8. ERD of Printing Press Management System – Entity relationship diagram
  9. PPT Presentation of Printing Press Management System
  10. PHP Source code download for Printing Press Management System

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