Software testing of Online rental system



After completion of each phase, verification was done. To verify the requirements, the completed phase was fully tested. Against the requirements, all the units were found to be completely satisfactory. As the system should be verified at each stage of the software process using documents produced during the previous stage therefore we started verification with requirements reviews and continued through design and code reviews to product testing.

This is an activity to verify whether we have built the system right or not in the development life cycle.


Testing the software application is an important activity in the software development life cycle (SDLC). It helps in maintaining the quality of the system.

Registration Account:

Test Case Id TC 1
Test Scenario Create Account
Test Data Name, Email Id, Phone Number
,password, Repeat Your Password
Test Steps 1. Enter Name.
2. Enter Email Id.
3. Enter your Phone Number.
4. Enter Password.
5. Enter Repeat Your Password.
6. Tap Register Button.
Expected Result Users get successfully registered.
Actual Result Pass, User successfully registers
Status Pass


User login:

Test Case Id TC 2
Test Scenario Login as user
Test Data Email= Projectsinventory@gmail, password =
Test Steps 1. Enter your Email Address.
2. Enter Password.
3. Tap the login button.
Expected Result The user successfully logged in.
Actual Result Pass, User successfully logged in.
Status Pass
Forget Password:
Test Case Id TC 3
Test Scenario Forget Password
Test Data Projectsinventory@gmail
Test Steps 1. Enter your email address.
2. Tap the login button.
3. Mail Sent Successfully! Check The mail
4. password shown
Expected Result User password successfully recovered.
Actual Result Pass, password successfully recovered.
Status Pass
Change password:
Test Case Id TC 4
Test Scenario Change password
Test Data Old password
Test Steps 1. Click the password change button.
2. Enter the old password.
3. Enter a new password.
4. click save button
Expected Result Password updated.
Actual Result Pass, password updated successfully.
Status Pass


Admin login:

Test Case Id TC 5
Test Scenario Login as admin
Test Data Email=, password =
Test Steps 1. Enter your Email Address.
2. Enter Password.
3. Tap the login button.
Expected Result Admin successfully logged in.
Actual Result Pass, Admin successfully logged in.
Status Pass

More helping material of Online rental system (Final Year Project – FYP)

  1. Online rental system project documentation
  2. Functional and Non Functional Requirements of Online rental system
  3. Use Case Diagram of Online rental system
  4. Use case Description of Online rental system
  5. Class Diagram of Online rental system
  6. Context Diagram of Online rental system
  7. ERD of Online rental system Entity Relationship Diagram
  8. Sequence Diagram of Online rental system
  9. Software testing of Online rental system
  10. Code of Online rental system in PHP

Hopefully, this final year project (FYP, Capstone project, Software project, semester project, degree project) will well helpful for the students of BSCS, BSSE, BSIT, BCS (Software engineering, information technology, computer engineering and computer science) studying in a college, institute, and university.

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