Laravel Activity Log – Record activity in your app

Laravel Activity Log is a package that allows you to easily record user activities and events in your Laravel application. This logging feature is essential for monitoring user actions, tracking changes, and auditing purposes. It can help you maintain a comprehensive history of user interactions with your application.


Key Features of Laravel Activity Log:

  1. Automatic Logging: Automatically log user activities like create, update, and delete actions on models.
  2. Customizable Log Entries: Define what data to log and customize the log entries according to your requirements.
  3. Event Listener Integration: Listen to model events and log activities based on those events.
  4. Queryable Log Entries: Easily query and filter activity logs for specific users, actions, or models.
  5. Soft Deletes: Automatically handle soft-deleted models in your activity logs.


To get started with Laravel Activity Log, follow these steps:

  1. Require the Package: Install the package via Composer. One popular choice is spatie/laravel-activitylog:
  2. Publish Configuration (Optional): If you want to customize the configuration, publish the package’s configuration file:
  3. Run Migrations: Run the migration to create the necessary tables for storing activity logs:

Setting Up Activity Logging

  1. Adding the Activity Logger Trait: To log activities for a model, you need to use the LogsActivity trait. For example, in your User model:
  2. Logging Activities Manually: You can also log activities manually by calling the activity() helper function:
  3. Listening to Model Events: If you want to automatically log activities on specific actions like create, update, and delete, you can set up listeners in your model:
  4. Querying Activity Logs: You can easily retrieve activity logs using the Activity model provided by the package:
  5. Displaying Activity Logs: You can display the activity logs in your views, showing relevant information like the action taken, the user who performed it, and timestamps.


Laravel Activity Log is a powerful tool for tracking user activities in your application. By providing an easy way to log and manage activities, it enhances your application’s audit capabilities and allows for better user monitoring.


Additional Considerations

  • Documentation: For more detailed information, advanced features, and configuration options, refer to the official Spatie Laravel Activity Log documentation.
  • Performance: Consider optimizing your database queries when retrieving activity logs, especially if your application generates a large number of log entries.

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