Laravel Fortify – Backend authentication for Laravel

Laravel Fortify is a backend authentication package for Laravel applications, providing a set of features to handle user authentication, registration, password resets, and more. Fortify focuses solely on the backend aspects of authentication, allowing developers to build custom frontend interfaces as needed. It is designed to work seamlessly with Laravel’s built-in features and can be easily customized to fit your application’s requirements.

Key Features of Laravel Fortify:

  1. User Registration: Provides a straightforward way to handle user registration with validation.
  2. Login and Logout: Manages user login and logout processes, including session management.
  3. Password Reset: Implements password reset functionality using email verification.
  4. Email Verification: Supports email verification for new user registrations.
  5. Two-Factor Authentication: Enables two-factor authentication for added security.
  6. User Profile Updates: Allows users to update their profile information, such as password and email address.


To get started with Laravel Fortify, follow these steps:

  1. Install Laravel Fortify: Use Composer to install the package:
  2. Publish the Fortify Configuration: Publish the Fortify configuration file:
  3. Run Migrations: Run the necessary migrations to create the required tables:
  4. Configure Fortify: You can customize Fortify’s behavior by editing the config/fortify.php configuration file. This file allows you to enable or disable features such as registration, password resets, and two-factor authentication.

Setting Up Fortify Features

To enable the authentication features provided by Fortify, you need to register them in your application.

1. Registering Authentication Features:

In your FortifyServiceProvider, you can register various features:


2. Customizing Registration:

You can create a custom user registration class to handle user creation and validation:


Customizing Authentication Logic

You can customize the authentication process by defining your logic in the authenticateUsing method:


Implementing Password Reset

Fortify provides built-in functionality for password resets. You can customize the behavior by creating your own actions:


Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Fortify supports two-factor authentication (2FA) out of the box. To enable it, you can register the feature in the FortifyServiceProvider:


1. Generating Backup Codes:

You can create backup codes for users to use if they lose access to their 2FA method:


Profile Management

You can allow users to update their profile information, including email and password, by implementing the necessary routes and views.

1. Profile Update Action:

You can create a custom action to handle profile updates:



Laravel Fortify is a powerful authentication package that provides a comprehensive backend solution for managing user authentication in your Laravel applications. It allows for easy customization and integration with existing features, enabling developers to create secure and robust authentication systems.

Additional Considerations

  • Custom Frontend: Since Fortify is focused on the backend, you’ll need to implement your own frontend forms for login, registration, and password resets.
  • Middleware: Use middleware to protect routes that require authentication.
  • Testing: Ensure to write tests for your authentication logic to validate that all features work as expected.

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