Laravel JWT Auth – JSON Web Token authentication

Laravel JWT Auth is a package that provides a simple way to implement JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication in Laravel applications. JWT is a widely used standard for secure token-based authentication, making it suitable for APIs and single-page applications (SPAs).


Key Features of Laravel JWT Auth:

  1. Token-Based Authentication: Uses JWTs to authenticate users without the need for session storage.
  2. Stateless Authentication: Since JWTs are self-contained, they do not require server-side storage, making the application more scalable.
  3. Easy Integration: Simple installation and setup process to integrate with Laravel applications.
  4. Token Expiration and Refresh: Supports token expiration and allows for token refreshing.
  5. User Payload Customization: Customize the payload that is included in the JWT.


To get started with Laravel JWT Auth, follow these steps:

  1. Require the Package: Install the package via Composer:
  2. Publish Configuration: Publish the configuration file using:
  3. Generate JWT Secret Key: Run the following command to generate a secret key for JWT:

Setting Up Authentication

  1. Updating the User Model: Ensure that your User model implements the JWTSubject interface. For example, in app/Models/User.php:
  2. Creating Authentication Routes: Define routes for user authentication in routes/api.php. Here’s an example:
  3. Creating an Authentication Controller: Create an AuthController to handle authentication logic:
    In AuthController.php, implement the authentication logic:

Using JWT Authentication

  1. Logging In: To log in, send a POST request to the /login endpoint with the user’s email and password. On successful login, the server responds with a JWT token.

    Example Request:

    Example Response:

  2. Accessing Protected Routes: To access routes that require authentication, include the JWT token in the Authorization header:

    Example Request:

    Example Response:

  3. Refreshing Tokens: To refresh a token, send a POST request to the /refresh endpoint:

    Example Request:

    Example Response:



Laravel JWT Auth is a powerful and flexible package for implementing JSON Web Token authentication in Laravel applications. By providing token-based authentication, it enhances the security and scalability of applications, particularly for APIs and SPAs.


Additional Considerations

  • Documentation: For more detailed information, advanced features, and configuration options, refer to the official Laravel JWT Auth documentation.
  • Security Practices: Always follow security best practices when implementing authentication, such as using HTTPS and securing sensitive data.

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