Laravel Repository – Repository pattern for Laravel

Laravel Repository is a design pattern that abstracts the data layer of your application, making it easier to manage and test your code. By using repositories, you can centralize your data access logic, improve code maintainability, and simplify unit testing.

Key Features

  • Separation of Concerns: Keeps your data access logic separate from your application logic.
  • Easier Testing: Facilitates the use of mock repositories for unit testing.
  • Flexibility: Allows you to easily switch data sources without changing the application code.


You can create your own repository structure without needing a specific package, but if you prefer a package, you can use one like laravel-repository. To install it, run:



A common structure for implementing the Repository pattern in Laravel includes:

  • Repositories: Interfaces and concrete classes for data access.
  • Models: Eloquent models representing your database tables.
  • Services: Optional service classes for business logic.

Implementation Steps

1. Create the Repository Interface

Create a repository interface for your model. For example, for a User model, you could create a UserRepositoryInterface:


2. Create the Repository Class

Now, implement the interface in a concrete class:


3. Bind the Interface to the Concrete Class

In the AppServiceProvider, bind the interface to the implementation in the register method:


4. Use the Repository in Your Controller

Now you can use the repository in your controllers by type-hinting the interface:



Using the Repository pattern in Laravel helps to organize your application code better and makes it easier to manage data access logic. It improves code maintainability, facilitates testing, and allows for better separation of concerns. By implementing repositories, you can create a more scalable and clean architecture for your Laravel application.

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