Software Testing of Medical store Management System Project


Testing the software application is an important activity in software development life cycle (SDLC). It helps in maintaining quality of the system.

Testing the Medicine Home Delivery Website

Test Case Registration Account


Test Engineer Asad khan
Test Case ID TC1
Related UC1
Date 12-6-2023
Pre Requisite: None
1. Enter User Full Name.
2. Enter User password.
3. Enter confirm password.
4. Enter user email.
5. Enter address.
6. Enter phone number.
7. Click Register Button.
Status Pass

Test case Login

Test Engineer Asad khan
Module Name Login
Test Case ID TC2
Related UC/FR/NFR UC2
Date 12-6-2023
Test Data User Email and password.
1. Enter Email.
2. Enter Password.
3. Click login button.
Provide valid
Provide valid Password=1234
Expected Result User logs in
Actual result User logs in
Status Pass
Test Case 2

Test case Add to cart

Test Engineer Asad khan
Test Case ID TC2
Related UC/FR/NFR UC18
Date 12-6-2018
Pre-Requisite: Logged in
1. Add to cart.
2. Go to cart.
3. Manage quantity.
User select a product Product is added to the shopping cart.
and clicks add to cart
Expected Product is added.
Actual Product is added
Status Pass

Table 5.1.4 Admin L

Test Engineer

Asad khan


Test Case ID TC2
Related UC/FR/NFR UC1
Date 12-6-2023
Test Data Admin Email and password.
1. Enter Email.
2. Enter Password.
3. Click login button.
User enters wrong Display message password or email is incorrect
User enters wrong email Display message password or email is incorrect
User enters valid email User log in successfully
and password
Expected result User log in successfully
Actual result User log in successfully


Status Pass

Similar helping material of Medical store management system

  1. SRS Document Medical store Management System
  2. Functional and Non functional requirements of Medical store management system
  3. Code of Online E Medicine Store Management System in PHP
  4. Use case Diagram Medical store Management System
  5. Use case Description details of Medical store Management System
  6. Database Tables and database design of Medical store Management System
  7. Class Diagram of Medical store Management System
  8. Sequence Diagram of Medical store Management System
  9. Software Testing of Medical store Management System Project
  10. Presentation of Medical store management system Project in PPT

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