C++ Mini Projects for Programming Course

3D Graphics Rendering
ATM Machine Simulation
Audio Processing Basics
Audio Steganography
Bank Management System
Barcode Reader
Basic Compiler Design
Basic Graph Algorithms (DFS, BFS)
Basic GUI Library
Basic Web Browser
Binary Search Tree (BST) Implementation
BMI Calculator
Caesar Cipher
Calendar Application
Chess Game
Code Breaker Game
Color Detection
Connect Four Game
Currency Converter
Database Connectivity (SQLite)
Digital Clock
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Basics
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Drawing Application
Employee Payroll System
Encryption/Decryption Algorithm
Encryption/Decryption of Audio Files
Encryption/Decryption of Images
Face Detection
File Handling: Read/Write to File
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Game of Life (Graphics Version)
Genetic Algorithm Simulation
Guess the Number Game
Handwriting Recognition
Hangman Game
Hash Table Implementation
Image Processing Basics
Image Steganography
Library Management System
Linked List Implementation
Matrix Operations (Addition, Multiplication)
Maze Solver
Memory Game
Music Player
Network Chat Application
Neural Network Basics
Number Guessing Game
Object Detection
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Password Manager
Photo Viewer
Priority Queue Implementation
Quadratic Equation Solver
Queue Implementation
Quiz Game
Random Number Generator
Ray Tracing
Remote Desktop Application
Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
Searching Algorithms (Linear Search, Binary Search)
Simple Calculator
Simple CRUD Application with GUI
Simple Interest Calculator
Simple Paint Application
Simple RPG Game
Simple Shell
Simulate Coin Toss
Simulate Rolling Dice
Simulation of 3D Printing Process
Simulation of Aircraft Flight
Simulation of Ant Colony Optimization
Simulation of Artificial Intelligence Concepts
Simulation of Artificial Neural Networks
Simulation of Augmented Reality (AR)
Simulation of Autonomous Vehicles
Simulation of Basic Physics Laws
Simulation of Big Data Processing
Simulation of Blockchain Technology
Simulation of Boids Algorithm
Simulation of Brownian Motion
Simulation of Business Analytics
Simulation of Cache Memory
Simulation of Cellular Automata
Simulation of Chaotic Systems
Simulation of Chemical Reactions
Simulation of Cloud Computing
Simulation of CNC Machine Operation
Simulation of Compiler Design
Simulation of Computer Graphics Techniques
Simulation of Computer Networking Protocols
Simulation of Computer Vision Algorithms
Simulation of Conway’s Game of Life
Simulation of CPU Scheduling Algorithms
Simulation of Cryptocurrency Transactions
Simulation of Customer Relationship Management
Simulation of Data Analytics
Simulation of Data Link Layer Protocols
Simulation of Data Mining Techniques
Simulation of Data Warehousing
Simulation of Database Management System
Simulation of Deep Learning Models
Simulation of Diffraction Patterns
Simulation of Disk Scheduling Algorithms
Simulation of Doppler Effect
Simulation of Double Pendulum
Simulation of Drone Flight
Simulation of Ecosystem Dynamics
Simulation of Edge Computing
Simulation of Elevator System
Simulation of Employee Performance
Simulation of Epidemic Spread
Simulation of Error Detection and Correction
Simulation of File Allocation Methods
Simulation of File Compression Algorithms
Simulation of Financial Management
Simulation of Firework Animation
Simulation of Fluid Dynamics
Simulation of Game Theory Strategies
Simulation of Genetic Drift
Simulation of Human Resource Management
Simulation of Image Recognition
Simulation of Internet of Things (IoT)
Simulation of Inventory Management
Simulation of L-Systems
Simulation of Machine Learning Algorithms
Simulation of Magnetic Fields
Simulation of Manufacturing Systems
Simulation of Marketing Strategies
Simulation of Mars Rover Movement
Simulation of Memory Allocation Algorithms
Simulation of Multiplexing and Demultiplexing
Simulation of Natural Language Processing
Simulation of Network Topology
Simulation of Newton’s Cradle
Simulation of Newton’s Law of Cooling
Simulation of Nuclear Decay
Simulation of Operating System Concepts
Simulation of Particle Motion
Simulation of Pendulum Motion
Simulation of Planetary Motion
Simulation of Population Growth
Simulation of Predator-Prey Model
Simulation of Predictive Analytics
Simulation of Project Management
Simulation of Projectile Motion
Simulation of Quality Control in Manufacturing
Simulation of Quantum Computing
Simulation of Quantum Tunneling
Simulation of RAID Levels
Simulation of Random Walks
Simulation of Recommendation Systems
Simulation of Reinforcement Learning
Simulation of Risk Management
Simulation of RLC Circuit
Simulation of Robot Arm Movement
Simulation of Robot Motion
Simulation of Routing Algorithms
Simulation of Satellite Orbit
Simulation of Sentiment Analysis
Simulation of Simple Harmonic Motion
Simulation of Simple Traffic Light
Simulation of Smart Home Automation
Simulation of Solar Panel Efficiency
Simulation of Solar System
Simulation of Space Exploration
Simulation of Speech Processing Algorithms
Simulation of Stock Market Trends
Simulation of Supply Chain Management
Simulation of TCP/IP Protocol
Simulation of Time Management
Simulation of Traffic Flow
Simulation of Traffic Signal Control
Simulation of Virtual Memory
Simulation of Virtual Reality (VR)
Simulation of Water Ripple Effect
Simulation of Weather Patterns
Simulation of Welding Process
Simulation of Wireless Communication
Snake Game
Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Merge, Quick)
Space Invaders Game
Speech Recognition
Spreadsheet Application
Stack Implementation
Student Database Management System
Sudoku Solver
Temperature Converter
Text Editor
Text-based Browser (like Lynx)
Text-Based RPG Game
Tic-Tac-Toe Game
To-Do List Application
Tower of Hanoi
UDP/TCP Socket Programming
Video Compression
Video Encryption/Decryption
Video Player
Video Streaming Application

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